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All Scales EADGBE

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Name Code Intervals Notes Alt names
Open Scale Videos Lombok Lom 15122 6
Open Scale Videos Lutetium Lu 1212113 8
Open Scale Videos Luzon Luz 12125 6
Open Scale Videos Lydian Lyd 222122 7 Kalyan Theta, Mela Mechakalyani, Fourth Plagal Byzantine, Greek Hypolydian, Kalyan Theta, Yaman
Open Scale Videos Lydian Augmented LydAug 222212 7 Lydian Sharp Five
Open Scale Videos Lydian Minor =-Lyd 222112 7 Mela Risabhapriya
Open Scale Videos Madhukauns Pentatonic MP 3313 5 Raga Samudhra Priya
Open Scale Videos Madhuranjani MR 3224 5 Minor Major Eleven Omit Nine, Raga Nata, Udayaravicandrika
Open Scale Videos Magen Abot MA 1212212 8
Open Scale Videos Magnesium Mg 11531 6
Open Scale Videos Major Maj 221222 7 Ionian, A Raray, Bilaval Theta, Mela Dhirasankarabharana, 4th Plagal Byzantine, Ghana Heptatonic, Greek Lydian, Medieval Hypolydian
Open Scale Videos Major Bebop MBebop 2212112 8
Open Scale Videos Major Chord M 43 3 Raga Malasri, Peruvian Tritonic One
Open Scale Videos Major Flat Five Mb5 42 3
Open Scale Videos Major Hungarian MHung 312121 7 Mela Nasikabhusani, Lydian Sharp Two
Open Scale Videos Major Nine M9 2234 5 Raga Hamsadhvani, Raga Hansadhvani
Open Scale Videos Major Pentatonic MPent 2232 5 Six Nine Chord, Mongolian, Diatonic, Chinese 1, Ghana Pentatonic, Ryosen, Yona Nuki Major, Man Jue, Gong, Raga Bhopali, Bhup, Mohanam, Deskar, Bilahari, Kokila, Jait Kalyan, Peruvian Pentatonic One
Open Scale Videos Major Second Interval n2 2 2 Whole-tone
Open Scale Videos Major Second Pentacluster M2Pent 1112 5
Open Scale Videos Major Second Tetracluster M2TetC1 211 4
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