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heavy hybrid strings - 7-string set on a 6-string guitar

198 views - 19 Jan 2011

an experiment to see if i could take the top 3 and bottom 3 strings from a 7-string set, and get a good hybrid set for playing heavy, down-tuned metal.

hybrid baritone tuning c standard metal
Hybrid baritone tuning c standard metal
an experiment to see if i could take the top 3 and bottom 3 strings from a 7-string set, and get a good hybrid set for playing heavy, down-tuned metal.
398 views 23 Mar 2018
Hybrid Baritone Tuning C Standard
Hybrid Baritone Tuning C Standard
an experiment to see if i could take the top 3 and bottom 3 strings from a 7-string set, and get a good hybrid set for playing heavy, down-tuned metal.
1559 views 2 Sep 2019
heavy opeth riffs - on a 7 string guitar?!
Heavy opeth riffs - on a 7 string guitar?!
an experiment to see if i could take the top 3 and bottom 3 strings from a 7-string set, and get a good hybrid set for playing heavy, down-tuned metal.
1061 views 30 Aug 2019
Heavy Black Sabbath Style Dorian Groove C Dorian   160BPM
Heavy Black Sabbath Style Dorian Groove C Dorian 160BPM
an experiment to see if i could take the top 3 and bottom 3 strings from a 7-string set, and get a good hybrid set for playing heavy, down-tuned metal.
6 views 16 Mar 2020
Heavy Metal Thunder National Baritone Guitar Power Chord
Heavy Metal Thunder National Baritone Guitar Power Chord
an experiment to see if i could take the top 3 and bottom 3 strings from a 7-string set, and get a good hybrid set for playing heavy, down-tuned metal.
1434 views 21 Apr 2021
Heavy Soul Backing Track for Guitar in A# Minor
Heavy Soul Backing Track for Guitar in A# Minor
an experiment to see if i could take the top 3 and bottom 3 strings from a 7-string set, and get a good hybrid set for playing heavy, down-tuned metal.
771 views 5 Sep 2019
Heavy rhythm tip: Ending E5 in (palm muted) slide & pull-off
Heavy rhythm tip: Ending E5 in (palm muted) slide & pull-off
an experiment to see if i could take the top 3 and bottom 3 strings from a 7-string set, and get a good hybrid set for playing heavy, down-tuned metal.
2590 views 5 Sep 2019
heavy ass riff in super drop a
Heavy ass riff in super drop a
an experiment to see if i could take the top 3 and bottom 3 strings from a 7-string set, and get a good hybrid set for playing heavy, down-tuned metal.
1415 views 2 Sep 2019
heavy rock guitar backing tack using phrygian and mixolydian modes
Heavy rock guitar backing tack using phrygian and mixolydian modes
an experiment to see if i could take the top 3 and bottom 3 strings from a 7-string set, and get a good hybrid set for playing heavy, down-tuned metal.
651 views 5 Sep 2019
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