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Gordon Gordo Gourd (12-string guitar)

658 views - 19 Jan 2011

The only Gordon I know has a completely normal noggin. If only he had a gigantic melon of a head . . . a MEGA MELON, I could then dedicate this song to him.

gordon giltrap playing john martyn's 12-string guitar
Gordon giltrap playing john martyn's 12-string guitar
The only Gordon I know has a completely normal noggin. If only he had a gigantic melon of a head . . . a MEGA MELON, I could then dedicate this song to him.
663 views 5 Sep 2019
gordon ramsay's scrambled eggs
Gordon ramsay's scrambled eggs
The only Gordon I know has a completely normal noggin. If only he had a gigantic melon of a head . . . a MEGA MELON, I could then dedicate this song to him.
63 views 2 Jun 2018
gordon ramsay cuts his finger in a blender!
Gordon ramsay cuts his finger in a blender!
The only Gordon I know has a completely normal noggin. If only he had a gigantic melon of a head . . . a MEGA MELON, I could then dedicate this song to him.
64 views 6 Feb 2019
gordon ramsays top 5 indian dishes
Gordon ramsays top 5 indian dishes
The only Gordon I know has a completely normal noggin. If only he had a gigantic melon of a head . . . a MEGA MELON, I could then dedicate this song to him.
58 views 1 Oct 2019
DOOMMick Gordon   RIP amp TEAR Guitar Cover
DOOMMick Gordon RIP amp TEAR Guitar Cover
The only Gordon I know has a completely normal noggin. If only he had a gigantic melon of a head . . . a MEGA MELON, I could then dedicate this song to him.
169 views 27 Oct 2021
Mick Gordon - 11. BFG Division
Mick Gordon - 11. BFG Division
The only Gordon I know has a completely normal noggin. If only he had a gigantic melon of a head . . . a MEGA MELON, I could then dedicate this song to him.
504 views 30 Aug 2019
Chris Gordon Messiaen Mode 6
Chris Gordon Messiaen Mode 6
The only Gordon I know has a completely normal noggin. If only he had a gigantic melon of a head . . . a MEGA MELON, I could then dedicate this song to him.
3 views 10 Oct 2023
DOOM  Mick Gordon   BFG Division   Guitar Cover
DOOM Mick Gordon BFG Division Guitar Cover
The only Gordon I know has a completely normal noggin. If only he had a gigantic melon of a head . . . a MEGA MELON, I could then dedicate this song to him.
1336 views 30 Jan 2021
DOOM  Mick Gordon Inspired Riffs
DOOM Mick Gordon Inspired Riffs
The only Gordon I know has a completely normal noggin. If only he had a gigantic melon of a head . . . a MEGA MELON, I could then dedicate this song to him.
751 views 30 Jan 2021
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