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Be Thou My Vision played by David Morrow on Baritone Guitar

2,666 views - 19 Jan 2011

Here is my version of the ancient Irish hymn "Be Thou my vision." I am playing it on my Eko Evo baritone guitar, tuned to the open tuning of BF#BEF#B.

be thou my vision -- my favorite irish hymn! :)
Be thou my vision -- my favorite irish hymn! :)
Here is my version of the ancient Irish hymn "Be Thou my vision." I am playing it on my Eko Evo baritone guitar, tuned to the open tuning of BF#BEF#B.
60 views 30 Aug 2019
ukulele tutorial: be thou my vision || little ol' me
Ukulele tutorial: be thou my vision || little ol' me
Here is my version of the ancient Irish hymn "Be Thou my vision." I am playing it on my Eko Evo baritone guitar, tuned to the open tuning of BF#BEF#B.
210 views 22 Jun 2018
Hey Afa Bwrai Bathou       Boro Bathou Aroj Methai  Boro religion prayer song
Hey Afa Bwrai Bathou Boro Bathou Aroj Methai Boro religion prayer song
Here is my version of the ancient Irish hymn "Be Thou my vision." I am playing it on my Eko Evo baritone guitar, tuned to the open tuning of BF#BEF#B.
0 views 10 Oct 2021
On Camber Sands
On Camber Sands
Here is my version of the ancient Irish hymn "Be Thou my vision." I am playing it on my Eko Evo baritone guitar, tuned to the open tuning of BF#BEF#B.
7 views 26 Mar 2020
Here is my version of the ancient Irish hymn "Be Thou my vision." I am playing it on my Eko Evo baritone guitar, tuned to the open tuning of BF#BEF#B.
14 views 29 Mar 2020
Bad Company   Feel like making love   Guitar lesson by Joe Murphy
Bad Company Feel like making love Guitar lesson by Joe Murphy
Here is my version of the ancient Irish hymn "Be Thou my vision." I am playing it on my Eko Evo baritone guitar, tuned to the open tuning of BF#BEF#B.
5 views 29 Mar 2020
les paul fret buzz fix
Les paul fret buzz fix
Here is my version of the ancient Irish hymn "Be Thou my vision." I am playing it on my Eko Evo baritone guitar, tuned to the open tuning of BF#BEF#B.
72 views 18 Apr 2020
Be My Baby   The Ronettes   Guitar Lesson
Be My Baby The Ronettes Guitar Lesson
Here is my version of the ancient Irish hymn "Be Thou my vision." I am playing it on my Eko Evo baritone guitar, tuned to the open tuning of BF#BEF#B.
0 views 19 Apr 2020
Be My Baby   The Ronettes   Guitar Lesson No Capo
Be My Baby The Ronettes Guitar Lesson No Capo
Here is my version of the ancient Irish hymn "Be Thou my vision." I am playing it on my Eko Evo baritone guitar, tuned to the open tuning of BF#BEF#B.
172 views 11 May 2020
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