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3rds and 6ths - mateus asato like melodic harmonization

74 views - 19 Jan 2011

how to harmonise your lead lines using 3rds and 6ths to create beautiful melodic lines, phrases and solos on the guitar. one of the techniques that mateus ...

Using 6th's and 3rd's for Melodies & Solos...
Using 6th's and 3rd's for Melodies & Solos...
how to harmonise your lead lines using 3rds and 6ths to create beautiful melodic lines, phrases and solos on the guitar. one of the techniques that mateus ...
451 views 5 Sep 2019
lesson: c major in 3rds, 6ths, and octaves - other tips for classical guitar
Lesson: c major in 3rds, 6ths, and octaves - other tips for classical guitar
how to harmonise your lead lines using 3rds and 6ths to create beautiful melodic lines, phrases and solos on the guitar. one of the techniques that mateus ...
33 views 18 Jun 2019
lesson: scales in 3rds, 6ths, octaves, and 10ths for classical guitar
Lesson: scales in 3rds, 6ths, octaves, and 10ths for classical guitar
how to harmonise your lead lines using 3rds and 6ths to create beautiful melodic lines, phrases and solos on the guitar. one of the techniques that mateus ...
195 views 8 Mar 2019
GJC JazzEd Instructable 7 Improvising using 3rds and 7ths with Guitarist Matt Dingledine
GJC JazzEd Instructable 7 Improvising using 3rds and 7ths with Guitarist Matt Dingledine
how to harmonise your lead lines using 3rds and 6ths to create beautiful melodic lines, phrases and solos on the guitar. one of the techniques that mateus ...
164 views 21 Jan 2021
Beginner Guitar Lessons 13d - Diminished and Augmented Chords
Beginner Guitar Lessons 13d - Diminished and Augmented Chords
how to harmonise your lead lines using 3rds and 6ths to create beautiful melodic lines, phrases and solos on the guitar. one of the techniques that mateus ...
0 views 10 May 2024
a7 - c7 guitar jam track and improvisation.
A7 - c7 guitar jam track and improvisation.
how to harmonise your lead lines using 3rds and 6ths to create beautiful melodic lines, phrases and solos on the guitar. one of the techniques that mateus ...
62 views 21 Apr 2018
Chromatic double 3rds on c and e flat
Chromatic double 3rds on c and e flat
how to harmonise your lead lines using 3rds and 6ths to create beautiful melodic lines, phrases and solos on the guitar. one of the techniques that mateus ...
668 views 3 Sep 2019
How to Find and Use Major and Minor 3rds -
How to Find and Use Major and Minor 3rds -
how to harmonise your lead lines using 3rds and 6ths to create beautiful melodic lines, phrases and solos on the guitar. one of the techniques that mateus ...
5 views 17 Jul 2023
the devil-s tuning (metal guitar song tuned to tritones and minor 3rds)
The devil-s tuning (metal guitar song tuned to tritones and minor 3rds)
how to harmonise your lead lines using 3rds and 6ths to create beautiful melodic lines, phrases and solos on the guitar. one of the techniques that mateus ...
412 views 9 Oct 2019
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