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inverted 2 first ever 100% fc!!!!!

160 views - 19 Jan 2011

wtf? just a couple days ago i thought i would never fc this in my life. this is potentially my best fc. i haven't had an fc that i've been this happy about in a ...

piano inverted chords c-f-am-g -- c scale chords
Piano inverted chords c-f-am-g -- c scale chords
wtf? just a couple days ago i thought i would never fc this in my life. this is potentially my best fc. i haven't had an fc that i've been this happy about in a ...
134 views 5 Oct 2019
ii   G major first inverted chord CEA
Ii G major first inverted chord CEA
wtf? just a couple days ago i thought i would never fc this in my life. this is potentially my best fc. i haven't had an fc that i've been this happy about in a ...
125 views 12 Jan 2021
chord chemistry pt 4  all 1 and 6 chords  inversions on G B E strings and their spot in major scale
Chord chemistry pt 4 all 1 and 6 chords inversions on G B E strings and their spot in major scale
wtf? just a couple days ago i thought i would never fc this in my life. this is potentially my best fc. i haven't had an fc that i've been this happy about in a ...
85 views 13 Jan 2021
piano inverted chords g-d-em-c ---- using g scale chords
Piano inverted chords g-d-em-c ---- using g scale chords
wtf? just a couple days ago i thought i would never fc this in my life. this is potentially my best fc. i haven't had an fc that i've been this happy about in a ...
375 views 22 Aug 2019
12 Different Kinds of Power Chords | GEAR GODS
12 Different Kinds of Power Chords | GEAR GODS
wtf? just a couple days ago i thought i would never fc this in my life. this is potentially my best fc. i haven't had an fc that i've been this happy about in a ...
763 views 4 Sep 2019
Inverted Pedal Notes Voicing and Harmony Tutorial
Inverted Pedal Notes Voicing and Harmony Tutorial
wtf? just a couple days ago i thought i would never fc this in my life. this is potentially my best fc. i haven't had an fc that i've been this happy about in a ...
458 views 29 Jan 2021
Inverted Fifths Tuning Talk  and Tone Demo
Inverted Fifths Tuning Talk and Tone Demo
wtf? just a couple days ago i thought i would never fc this in my life. this is potentially my best fc. i haven't had an fc that i've been this happy about in a ...
53 views 26 Oct 2021
Inverted Guitar Chords - Guitar chord inversions explained
Inverted Guitar Chords - Guitar chord inversions explained
wtf? just a couple days ago i thought i would never fc this in my life. this is potentially my best fc. i haven't had an fc that i've been this happy about in a ...
6 views 8 Jun 2022
Inverted Cadences for Guitar C G D A E
Inverted Cadences for Guitar C G D A E
wtf? just a couple days ago i thought i would never fc this in my life. this is potentially my best fc. i haven't had an fc that i've been this happy about in a ...
130 views 28 Dec 2022
           q o       o p
           q o   G   o p
           d o   T   o b
           q o   D   o p
           q o   B   o p
           d o       o b
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