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electrical guitar company series ii demo

7 views - 19 Jan 2011

this is my horrible demo of such a amazing guitar. ill posted something a bit more organized later on. i'm using a kemper profiling amp, the egc is all stock.

electrical guitar company -  aluminum standard
Electrical guitar company - aluminum standard
this is my horrible demo of such a amazing guitar. ill posted something a bit more organized later on. i'm using a kemper profiling amp, the egc is all stock.
38 views 4 Feb 2020
Custom Electrical Guitar Company EGC Precision Bass quick demo
Custom Electrical Guitar Company EGC Precision Bass quick demo
this is my horrible demo of such a amazing guitar. ill posted something a bit more organized later on. i'm using a kemper profiling amp, the egc is all stock.
33 views 24 Dec 2021
EGC Unboxing Electrical Guitar Company Tyranny First Impressions
EGC Unboxing Electrical Guitar Company Tyranny First Impressions
this is my horrible demo of such a amazing guitar. ill posted something a bit more organized later on. i'm using a kemper profiling amp, the egc is all stock.
45 views 7 Mar 2021
Aluminium Neck Guitars  Travis Bean  Kramer  Electrical Guitar Co  CME Vintage Collections
Aluminium Neck Guitars Travis Bean Kramer Electrical Guitar Co CME Vintage Collections
this is my horrible demo of such a amazing guitar. ill posted something a bit more organized later on. i'm using a kemper profiling amp, the egc is all stock.
31 views 7 Mar 2021
EGC Aluminum Guitar - sound check
EGC Aluminum Guitar - sound check
this is my horrible demo of such a amazing guitar. ill posted something a bit more organized later on. i'm using a kemper profiling amp, the egc is all stock.
689 views 5 Sep 2019
slf gotta get away guitar cover. egc custom 500 #44
Slf gotta get away guitar cover. egc custom 500 #44
this is my horrible demo of such a amazing guitar. ill posted something a bit more organized later on. i'm using a kemper profiling amp, the egc is all stock.
18 views 16 Jul 2018
EGC Baritone Demo
EGC Baritone Demo
this is my horrible demo of such a amazing guitar. ill posted something a bit more organized later on. i'm using a kemper profiling amp, the egc is all stock.
959 views 5 Sep 2019
Peavey T 60 with EGC Bolt on Aluminium Neck
Peavey T 60 with EGC Bolt on Aluminium Neck
this is my horrible demo of such a amazing guitar. ill posted something a bit more organized later on. i'm using a kemper profiling amp, the egc is all stock.
8 views 25 Sep 2021
this is my horrible demo of such a amazing guitar. ill posted something a bit more organized later on. i'm using a kemper profiling amp, the egc is all stock.
553 views 5 Sep 2019
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