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in the style of joe satriani. (lydian mode.)

53 views - 19 Jan 2011

hello, guitar solo in the style of joe satriani. it uses the lydian mode, the same mode joe uses for his track flying in a blue dream. for the gear heads - musicman liii - kemper amp....

e lydian backing track - steve vai style
E lydian backing track - steve vai style
hello, guitar solo in the style of joe satriani. it uses the lydian mode, the same mode joe uses for his track flying in a blue dream. for the gear heads - musicman liii - kemper amp....
125 views 25 Jan 2020
sad ballad backing track in fm
Sad ballad backing track in fm
hello, guitar solo in the style of joe satriani. it uses the lydian mode, the same mode joe uses for his track flying in a blue dream. for the gear heads - musicman liii - kemper amp....
52 views 30 Apr 2018
delta blues guitar lesson in open g tuning
Delta blues guitar lesson in open g tuning
hello, guitar solo in the style of joe satriani. it uses the lydian mode, the same mode joe uses for his track flying in a blue dream. for the gear heads - musicman liii - kemper amp....
673 views 29 Mar 2019
Jacksnax: Directional Picking & The Hexatonic Scale!   The Secret to the EJ/Bonamassa Sound
Jacksnax: Directional Picking & The Hexatonic Scale! The Secret to the EJ/Bonamassa Sound
hello, guitar solo in the style of joe satriani. it uses the lydian mode, the same mode joe uses for his track flying in a blue dream. for the gear heads - musicman liii - kemper amp....
0 views 23 Dec 2021
In the Style of 'Andy Summers/Add9 Chords' Session #1 Online Guitar Group
In the Style of 'Andy Summers/Add9 Chords' Session #1 Online Guitar Group
hello, guitar solo in the style of joe satriani. it uses the lydian mode, the same mode joe uses for his track flying in a blue dream. for the gear heads - musicman liii - kemper amp....
0 views 22 Nov 2021
strumming in the style of joni mitchell - shown by andreas schulz
Strumming in the style of joni mitchell - shown by andreas schulz
hello, guitar solo in the style of joe satriani. it uses the lydian mode, the same mode joe uses for his track flying in a blue dream. for the gear heads - musicman liii - kemper amp....
4 views 26 Mar 2019
easy - in the style of lionel richie. fun chord progression
Easy - in the style of lionel richie. fun chord progression
hello, guitar solo in the style of joe satriani. it uses the lydian mode, the same mode joe uses for his track flying in a blue dream. for the gear heads - musicman liii - kemper amp....
49 views 23 Jun 2019
UOENO In the Style of Rocko Future amp Rick Ross Karaoke Instrumental Version
UOENO In the Style of Rocko Future amp Rick Ross Karaoke Instrumental Version
hello, guitar solo in the style of joe satriani. it uses the lydian mode, the same mode joe uses for his track flying in a blue dream. for the gear heads - musicman liii - kemper amp....
50 views 12 Jan 2021
UOENO In the Style of Rocko Future amp Rick Ross Karaoke Instrumental Version
UOENO In the Style of Rocko Future amp Rick Ross Karaoke Instrumental Version
hello, guitar solo in the style of joe satriani. it uses the lydian mode, the same mode joe uses for his track flying in a blue dream. for the gear heads - musicman liii - kemper amp....
52 views 12 Jan 2021
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