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C#m (C Sharp Minor) - Event Horizon

1,049 views - 19 Jan 2011

The first song of our BOTB set, featuring: Topher Benjamin - Lead Vocals, Rhythm Guitar Dustin Lees - Drums Nik Vechery - Bass Kyle Whittaker - Lead Guitar.

c sharp minor guitar chord demonstration c#m
C sharp minor guitar chord demonstration c#m
The first song of our BOTB set, featuring: Topher Benjamin - Lead Vocals, Rhythm Guitar Dustin Lees - Drums Nik Vechery - Bass Kyle Whittaker - Lead Guitar.
21 views 23 Aug 2019
c sharp minor metal guitar backing track 140 bpm key of c#m pt 1
C sharp minor metal guitar backing track 140 bpm key of c#m pt 1
The first song of our BOTB set, featuring: Topher Benjamin - Lead Vocals, Rhythm Guitar Dustin Lees - Drums Nik Vechery - Bass Kyle Whittaker - Lead Guitar.
129 views 9 May 2018
How to Play C Sharp Minor (C#m) Chord on Guitar
How to Play C Sharp Minor (C#m) Chord on Guitar
The first song of our BOTB set, featuring: Topher Benjamin - Lead Vocals, Rhythm Guitar Dustin Lees - Drums Nik Vechery - Bass Kyle Whittaker - Lead Guitar.
674 views 30 Aug 2019
C#m Pink Floyd Echoes Style Rock Guitar Backing Track Instrumental Jam Key Of C Sharp Minor 135 BPM
C#m Pink Floyd Echoes Style Rock Guitar Backing Track Instrumental Jam Key Of C Sharp Minor 135 BPM
The first song of our BOTB set, featuring: Topher Benjamin - Lead Vocals, Rhythm Guitar Dustin Lees - Drums Nik Vechery - Bass Kyle Whittaker - Lead Guitar.
750 views 5 Sep 2019
c#m guitar chords
C#m guitar chords
The first song of our BOTB set, featuring: Topher Benjamin - Lead Vocals, Rhythm Guitar Dustin Lees - Drums Nik Vechery - Bass Kyle Whittaker - Lead Guitar.
468 views 30 Aug 2018
guitar lessons for beginners: your fourth chord - c#m
Guitar lessons for beginners: your fourth chord - c#m
The first song of our BOTB set, featuring: Topher Benjamin - Lead Vocals, Rhythm Guitar Dustin Lees - Drums Nik Vechery - Bass Kyle Whittaker - Lead Guitar.
273 views 13 Mar 2019
what is c m chord on guitar?
What is c m chord on guitar?
The first song of our BOTB set, featuring: Topher Benjamin - Lead Vocals, Rhythm Guitar Dustin Lees - Drums Nik Vechery - Bass Kyle Whittaker - Lead Guitar.
55 views 30 Dec 2019
frederic chopin nocturno no.20 cis-moll ( c# - c sharp minor ) op.posth
Frederic chopin nocturno no.20 cis-moll ( c# - c sharp minor ) op.posth
The first song of our BOTB set, featuring: Topher Benjamin - Lead Vocals, Rhythm Guitar Dustin Lees - Drums Nik Vechery - Bass Kyle Whittaker - Lead Guitar.
386 views 21 Feb 2018
How to Play a C Sharp Minor Seven (C#m7) Chord on Guitar
How to Play a C Sharp Minor Seven (C#m7) Chord on Guitar
The first song of our BOTB set, featuring: Topher Benjamin - Lead Vocals, Rhythm Guitar Dustin Lees - Drums Nik Vechery - Bass Kyle Whittaker - Lead Guitar.
416 views 1 Sep 2019
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