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645 views - 19 Jan 2011

Tritones in music are the flattened 5th interval (or sharpened fourth) Here they are in every key: A - Eb A# - E B - F C - Gb C# - G D - Ab D# - A E - Bb F - B F# ...

Using Tritones
Using Tritones
Tritones in music are the flattened 5th interval (or sharpened fourth) Here they are in every key: A - Eb A# - E B - F C - Gb C# - G D - Ab D# - A E - Bb F - B F# ...
30 views 9 Mar 2022
All Tritones Song the devil39s interval
All Tritones Song the devil39s interval
Tritones in music are the flattened 5th interval (or sharpened fourth) Here they are in every key: A - Eb A# - E B - F C - Gb C# - G D - Ab D# - A E - Bb F - B F# ...
23 views 9 Aug 2022
circle of 5ths - tritones, tritone chord substitutions using circle of 5ths
Circle of 5ths - tritones, tritone chord substitutions using circle of 5ths
Tritones in music are the flattened 5th interval (or sharpened fourth) Here they are in every key: A - Eb A# - E B - F C - Gb C# - G D - Ab D# - A E - Bb F - B F# ...
53 views 22 Mar 2019
Tighten Up Your Blues   6 Tritones   Guitar Lesson   Jeff McErlain
Tighten Up Your Blues 6 Tritones Guitar Lesson Jeff McErlain
Tritones in music are the flattened 5th interval (or sharpened fourth) Here they are in every key: A - Eb A# - E B - F C - Gb C# - G D - Ab D# - A E - Bb F - B F# ...
43 views 11 Feb 2021
Tritone substitutions    introduction for jazz guitar  13 Tritones for beginners
Tritone substitutions introduction for jazz guitar 13 Tritones for beginners
Tritones in music are the flattened 5th interval (or sharpened fourth) Here they are in every key: A - Eb A# - E B - F C - Gb C# - G D - Ab D# - A E - Bb F - B F# ...
63 views 15 Jul 2021
the devil-s tuning (metal guitar song tuned to tritones and minor 3rds)
The devil-s tuning (metal guitar song tuned to tritones and minor 3rds)
Tritones in music are the flattened 5th interval (or sharpened fourth) Here they are in every key: A - Eb A# - E B - F C - Gb C# - G D - Ab D# - A E - Bb F - B F# ...
381 views 9 Oct 2019
Tritones in music are the flattened 5th interval (or sharpened fourth) Here they are in every key: A - Eb A# - E B - F C - Gb C# - G D - Ab D# - A E - Bb F - B F# ...
16 views 24 Sep 2022
Guitar Crash Course | Tritone Subs: When and How
Guitar Crash Course | Tritone Subs: When and How
Tritones in music are the flattened 5th interval (or sharpened fourth) Here they are in every key: A - Eb A# - E B - F C - Gb C# - G D - Ab D# - A E - Bb F - B F# ...
10 views 10 Jul 2023
Tritone Substitution Jazz Chord   How to Play Jazz Guitar Lesson JA 028
Tritone Substitution Jazz Chord How to Play Jazz Guitar Lesson JA 028
Tritones in music are the flattened 5th interval (or sharpened fourth) Here they are in every key: A - Eb A# - E B - F C - Gb C# - G D - Ab D# - A E - Bb F - B F# ...
46 views 10 Feb 2021
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