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8 string tuned high! New ideas!!!

1,223 views - 19 Jan 2011

Tuned the XEN up to A#-G#. Four semi tones higher than the standard F#-E tuning. Let me know what you guys think!!!

Guitar tapping riff ideas
Guitar tapping riff ideas
Tuned the XEN up to A#-G#. Four semi tones higher than the standard F#-E tuning. Let me know what you guys think!!!
1995 views 5 Sep 2019
Open D 8-string riff
Open D 8-string riff
Tuned the XEN up to A#-G#. Four semi tones higher than the standard F#-E tuning. Let me know what you guys think!!!
1557 views 31 Aug 2019
8string c6th tune up movie
8string c6th tune up movie
Tuned the XEN up to A#-G#. Four semi tones higher than the standard F#-E tuning. Let me know what you guys think!!!
341 views 11 Apr 2019
7 string tuned like 8 string
7 string tuned like 8 string
Tuned the XEN up to A#-G#. Four semi tones higher than the standard F#-E tuning. Let me know what you guys think!!!
112 views 10 Apr 2019
an original 8-string jam tune (standard f)
An original 8-string jam tune (standard f)
Tuned the XEN up to A#-G#. Four semi tones higher than the standard F#-E tuning. Let me know what you guys think!!!
849 views 1 Aug 2019
Tool   46 amp 2 guitar  bass cover
Tool 46 amp 2 guitar bass cover
Tuned the XEN up to A#-G#. Four semi tones higher than the standard F#-E tuning. Let me know what you guys think!!!
894 views 11 Jul 2021
Luna HTT8 string tenor in octave tuning dDgGbBeE by Ukulogics
Luna HTT8 string tenor in octave tuning dDgGbBeE by Ukulogics
Tuned the XEN up to A#-G#. Four semi tones higher than the standard F#-E tuning. Let me know what you guys think!!!
131 views 10 Sep 2022
O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden J S Bach Guitar
O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden J S Bach Guitar
Tuned the XEN up to A#-G#. Four semi tones higher than the standard F#-E tuning. Let me know what you guys think!!!
429 views 17 Jun 2021
Larghetto RV92 Vivaldi on Pono ATD8 tenor dDgGbBeE tuning   Ukulogics
Larghetto RV92 Vivaldi on Pono ATD8 tenor dDgGbBeE tuning Ukulogics
Tuned the XEN up to A#-G#. Four semi tones higher than the standard F#-E tuning. Let me know what you guys think!!!
151 views 10 Sep 2022
           q o       o p
           q o   G   o p
           d o   T   o b
           q o   D   o p
           q o   B   o p
           d o       o b
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