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Major Scale The Mothership of All Music Theory

50 views - 19 Jan 2011

This video goes over several of many concepts that are tied together by the central concept of music theory The Major Scale Just like in any SciFi Movie if you

Harmonic Major Scale - The Most Mystical Scale Demystified
Harmonic Major Scale - The Most Mystical Scale Demystified
This video goes over several of many concepts that are tied together by the central concept of music theory The Major Scale Just like in any SciFi Movie if you
0 views 9 Apr 2024
The DOUBLE Harmonic MAJOR Scale – The Jack of all DARK Trades!
The DOUBLE Harmonic MAJOR Scale – The Jack of all DARK Trades!
This video goes over several of many concepts that are tied together by the central concept of music theory The Major Scale Just like in any SciFi Movie if you
10 views 1 Sep 2023
The Cali Players 1 The Major Scale
The Cali Players 1 The Major Scale
This video goes over several of many concepts that are tied together by the central concept of music theory The Major Scale Just like in any SciFi Movie if you
2 views 6 Aug 2021
a simple trick to memorize the major scale | steve stine | guitarzoom.com
A simple trick to memorize the major scale | steve stine | guitarzoom.com
This video goes over several of many concepts that are tied together by the central concept of music theory The Major Scale Just like in any SciFi Movie if you
25 views 9 May 2019
Lydian tetrachord bass scale practice , the Lydian Major scale
Lydian tetrachord bass scale practice , the Lydian Major scale
This video goes over several of many concepts that are tied together by the central concept of music theory The Major Scale Just like in any SciFi Movie if you
13 views 15 Apr 2021
three color tango bb major/lydian vamp
Three color tango bb major/lydian vamp
This video goes over several of many concepts that are tied together by the central concept of music theory The Major Scale Just like in any SciFi Movie if you
9 views 23 Jun 2018
Use the Phrygian Sound In your Songs
Use the Phrygian Sound In your Songs
This video goes over several of many concepts that are tied together by the central concept of music theory The Major Scale Just like in any SciFi Movie if you
11 views 31 Jan 2022
Guitar Lesson 7 quotThe Locrian Modequot
Guitar Lesson 7 quotThe Locrian Modequot
This video goes over several of many concepts that are tied together by the central concept of music theory The Major Scale Just like in any SciFi Movie if you
1 views 14 Sep 2021
Soloing With Chord Tones
Soloing With Chord Tones
This video goes over several of many concepts that are tied together by the central concept of music theory The Major Scale Just like in any SciFi Movie if you
0 views 4 Aug 2020
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