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dropd tuning: chord voicing and capo techniques

207 views - 19 Jan 2011

cover tunes i play in drop d using various chord voicing and capo techniques.

drop d guitar lesson
Drop d guitar lesson
cover tunes i play in drop d using various chord voicing and capo techniques.
343 views 26 Jun 2019
8-string guitar lesson 3: 7th chord shell voicings (drop e tuning)
8-string guitar lesson 3: 7th chord shell voicings (drop e tuning)
cover tunes i play in drop d using various chord voicing and capo techniques.
797 views 4 Sep 2019
just the tip | better chords for drop c
Just the tip | better chords for drop c
cover tunes i play in drop d using various chord voicing and capo techniques.
521 views 13 Mar 2019
drop d tuning chord shapes - chordal lesson ep.16
Drop d tuning chord shapes - chordal lesson ep.16
cover tunes i play in drop d using various chord voicing and capo techniques.
53 views 11 Oct 2019
EXPAND Your Drop D Chord Vocabulary This Is Why You Suck At Guitar You Suck at Drop D Tuning
EXPAND Your Drop D Chord Vocabulary This Is Why You Suck At Guitar You Suck at Drop D Tuning
cover tunes i play in drop d using various chord voicing and capo techniques.
28 views 7 Aug 2021
Davy Crockett - drop D guitar bits
Davy Crockett - drop D guitar bits
cover tunes i play in drop d using various chord voicing and capo techniques.
1900 views 3 Sep 2019
Drop D Chord Shapes
Drop D Chord Shapes
cover tunes i play in drop d using various chord voicing and capo techniques.
1799 views 2 Sep 2019
double drop d chord shapes for irish guitar
Double drop d chord shapes for irish guitar
cover tunes i play in drop d using various chord voicing and capo techniques.
783 views 6 Feb 2020
acoustic guitar lesson - intro to drop d guitar tuning
Acoustic guitar lesson - intro to drop d guitar tuning
cover tunes i play in drop d using various chord voicing and capo techniques.
694 views 4 Aug 2019
           q o       o p
           q o   G   o p
           d o   T   o b
           q o   D   o p
           q o   B   o p
           d o       o b
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