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Simple scale for improvising folk music

24 views - 19 Jan 2011

The title says it all Its the type of thing anyone new to guitar can play with especially if they like British or American style folk tunes By using this scale its hard

Improvising along with a simple E G A backing track
Improvising along with a simple E G A backing track
The title says it all Its the type of thing anyone new to guitar can play with especially if they like British or American style folk tunes By using this scale its hard
20 views 14 Aug 2021
c major scale on acoustic guitar - easy scale for beginners (beginners course level 5 #5)
C major scale on acoustic guitar - easy scale for beginners (beginners course level 5 #5)
The title says it all Its the type of thing anyone new to guitar can play with especially if they like British or American style folk tunes By using this scale its hard
48 views 4 May 2019
simple - effective major scale exercise for bass guitar
Simple - effective major scale exercise for bass guitar
The title says it all Its the type of thing anyone new to guitar can play with especially if they like British or American style folk tunes By using this scale its hard
129 views 3 Aug 2019
Combine simple triads with the minor pentatonic scale for an easy blues lead - TAB INCLUDED!
Combine simple triads with the minor pentatonic scale for an easy blues lead - TAB INCLUDED!
The title says it all Its the type of thing anyone new to guitar can play with especially if they like British or American style folk tunes By using this scale its hard
65 views 11 Mar 2021
BANJO Lesson1 Tuning Banjo
BANJO Lesson1 Tuning Banjo
The title says it all Its the type of thing anyone new to guitar can play with especially if they like British or American style folk tunes By using this scale its hard
0 views 16 Dec 2021
Key of E scale E F# G# A B C# D# E CLICK ON v simple for written detail. Hit SUBSCRIBE BUTTON FIRST.
Key of E scale E F# G# A B C# D# E CLICK ON v simple for written detail. Hit SUBSCRIBE BUTTON FIRST.
The title says it all Its the type of thing anyone new to guitar can play with especially if they like British or American style folk tunes By using this scale its hard
75 views 15 Apr 2023
Minor Tetrachord bass scale practice , the Dorian minor scale
Minor Tetrachord bass scale practice , the Dorian minor scale
The title says it all Its the type of thing anyone new to guitar can play with especially if they like British or American style folk tunes By using this scale its hard
21 views 2 Mar 2021
Phrygian Tetrachord bass scale practice , the Phrygian minor scale
Phrygian Tetrachord bass scale practice , the Phrygian minor scale
The title says it all Its the type of thing anyone new to guitar can play with especially if they like British or American style folk tunes By using this scale its hard
17 views 10 Feb 2021
Lydian tetrachord bass scale practice , the Lydian Major scale
Lydian tetrachord bass scale practice , the Lydian Major scale
The title says it all Its the type of thing anyone new to guitar can play with especially if they like British or American style folk tunes By using this scale its hard
13 views 15 Apr 2021
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           q o   B   o p
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