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When a song takes 20 years to finish breakdowntutorial from demo to commercial release

2 views - 19 Jan 2011

  • Espen Kraft

    Espen Kraft

    81K subscribers

    This song started its life in 2002 so it has taken me 20 years to finish I consider this production my Magnum Opus when it comes

Molokai   MIVTA
Molokai MIVTA
This song started its life in 2002 so it has taken me 20 years to finish I consider this production my Magnum Opus when it comes
19 views 3 Mar 2021
What key is my song in? Find the key of a song. Takes only minutes to learn!
What key is my song in? Find the key of a song. Takes only minutes to learn!
This song started its life in 2002 so it has taken me 20 years to finish I consider this production my Magnum Opus when it comes
787 views 5 Sep 2019
hibernation of the heart (whitwell)
Hibernation of the heart (whitwell)
This song started its life in 2002 so it has taken me 20 years to finish I consider this production my Magnum Opus when it comes
691 views 17 Feb 2020
Nobody Loves You When You're Down And Out - Acoustic Guitar John Lennon Lesson - Take Number Nine
Nobody Loves You When You're Down And Out - Acoustic Guitar John Lennon Lesson - Take Number Nine
This song started its life in 2002 so it has taken me 20 years to finish I consider this production my Magnum Opus when it comes
0 views 14 Jan 2024
This song started its life in 2002 so it has taken me 20 years to finish I consider this production my Magnum Opus when it comes
5 views 22 Jun 2021
Smoky Blues Guitar quotBefore You Goquot
Smoky Blues Guitar quotBefore You Goquot
This song started its life in 2002 so it has taken me 20 years to finish I consider this production my Magnum Opus when it comes
0 views 16 Mar 2022
The Interval Lesson I wish someone had given me!  How to both HEAR and USE Intervals in music EP492
The Interval Lesson I wish someone had given me! How to both HEAR and USE Intervals in music EP492
This song started its life in 2002 so it has taken me 20 years to finish I consider this production my Magnum Opus when it comes
1 views 7 Jul 2023
quick tip - how to transpose
Quick tip - how to transpose
This song started its life in 2002 so it has taken me 20 years to finish I consider this production my Magnum Opus when it comes
8 views 20 Dec 2019
Why didn39t Frusciante tune his guitar
Why didn39t Frusciante tune his guitar
This song started its life in 2002 so it has taken me 20 years to finish I consider this production my Magnum Opus when it comes
65 views 11 Jun 2021
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           q o   D   o p
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