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f# mixolydian b6 backing track

83 views - 19 Jan 2011

f# mixolydian b6 backing track. mixolydian b6 is the 5th mode of the melodic minor scale. guitar, bass, programming - prokopis skordis visit our growing free ...

how to play the f# (f-sharp) major mixolydian b6 scale on guitar
How to play the f# (f-sharp) major mixolydian b6 scale on guitar
f# mixolydian b6 backing track. mixolydian b6 is the 5th mode of the melodic minor scale. guitar, bass, programming - prokopis skordis visit our growing free ...
59 views 4 Apr 2019
cool chords - the f# mixolydian b9 chord
Cool chords - the f# mixolydian b9 chord
f# mixolydian b6 backing track. mixolydian b6 is the 5th mode of the melodic minor scale. guitar, bass, programming - prokopis skordis visit our growing free ...
142 views 25 Jan 2019
Fusion Jam Track - 30 Minute - Funky Mixolydian in F# - Backing Track - F#7
Fusion Jam Track - 30 Minute - Funky Mixolydian in F# - Backing Track - F#7
f# mixolydian b6 backing track. mixolydian b6 is the 5th mode of the melodic minor scale. guitar, bass, programming - prokopis skordis visit our growing free ...
548 views 5 Sep 2019
a major- / f# minor scale - seven positions
A major- / f# minor scale - seven positions
f# mixolydian b6 backing track. mixolydian b6 is the 5th mode of the melodic minor scale. guitar, bass, programming - prokopis skordis visit our growing free ...
131 views 3 Dec 2017
tutorial on improvisation (part 2) - toro cheng
Tutorial on improvisation (part 2) - toro cheng
f# mixolydian b6 backing track. mixolydian b6 is the 5th mode of the melodic minor scale. guitar, bass, programming - prokopis skordis visit our growing free ...
180 views 27 Feb 2018
e major / c# minor scale - seven positions
E major / c# minor scale - seven positions
f# mixolydian b6 backing track. mixolydian b6 is the 5th mode of the melodic minor scale. guitar, bass, programming - prokopis skordis visit our growing free ...
45 views 2 Jun 2018
f# (gb) mixolydian backing track for bass, vintage rock
F# (gb) mixolydian backing track for bass, vintage rock
f# mixolydian b6 backing track. mixolydian b6 is the 5th mode of the melodic minor scale. guitar, bass, programming - prokopis skordis visit our growing free ...
265 views 19 Jun 2019
Alternate Tuning DACF#CE - Key G Major
Alternate Tuning DACF#CE - Key G Major
f# mixolydian b6 backing track. mixolydian b6 is the 5th mode of the melodic minor scale. guitar, bass, programming - prokopis skordis visit our growing free ...
1303 views 29 Aug 2019
backing track 11 key d# - mixolydian scale unpluggedloop
Backing track 11 key d# - mixolydian scale unpluggedloop
f# mixolydian b6 backing track. mixolydian b6 is the 5th mode of the melodic minor scale. guitar, bass, programming - prokopis skordis visit our growing free ...
86 views 22 Apr 2018
           q o       o p
           q o   G   o p
           d o   T   o b
           q o   D   o p
           q o   B   o p
           d o       o b
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