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extensions, upper structures and reharmonisation intro | exploring thirds (2019)

32 views - 19 Jan 2011

you have a chord, you can add an extension or three to that chord, you can remove the bass note and create a new root note, thus changing the note values...

ILMT Two Scale and Upper Extensions
ILMT Two Scale and Upper Extensions
you have a chord, you can add an extension or three to that chord, you can remove the bass note and create a new root note, thus changing the note values...
150 views 2 May 2022
Chord Extensions Explained Guitar Chord Theory   What do those numbers mean
Chord Extensions Explained Guitar Chord Theory What do those numbers mean
you have a chord, you can add an extension or three to that chord, you can remove the bass note and create a new root note, thus changing the note values...
3 views 14 Aug 2021
Chord Extensions Explained (9, #11, b13, etc) - Live Q&A Any Chord
Chord Extensions Explained (9, #11, b13, etc) - Live Q&A Any Chord
you have a chord, you can add an extension or three to that chord, you can remove the bass note and create a new root note, thus changing the note values...
13 views 9 Oct 2022
chord extensions - rhythm guitar lesson
Chord extensions - rhythm guitar lesson
you have a chord, you can add an extension or three to that chord, you can remove the bass note and create a new root note, thus changing the note values...
204 views 25 Aug 2019
Chord Extensions Exaplained (9ths, 11ths, 13ths)
Chord Extensions Exaplained (9ths, 11ths, 13ths)
you have a chord, you can add an extension or three to that chord, you can remove the bass note and create a new root note, thus changing the note values...
2 views 10 May 2023
guitar chord extensions - 9th and 13th chords - blues rhythm guitar lessons
Guitar chord extensions - 9th and 13th chords - blues rhythm guitar lessons
you have a chord, you can add an extension or three to that chord, you can remove the bass note and create a new root note, thus changing the note values...
14 views 7 Dec 2019
Understanding Chord Extensions (9th, 11th, 13th)
Understanding Chord Extensions (9th, 11th, 13th)
you have a chord, you can add an extension or three to that chord, you can remove the bass note and create a new root note, thus changing the note values...
17 views 10 Feb 2021
Lesson 6 Extensions
Lesson 6 Extensions
you have a chord, you can add an extension or three to that chord, you can remove the bass note and create a new root note, thus changing the note values...
0 views 5 Aug 2020
Minor Jazz Chord Extensions - How to Play Jazz Guitar Lesson [JA-022]
Minor Jazz Chord Extensions - How to Play Jazz Guitar Lesson [JA-022]
you have a chord, you can add an extension or three to that chord, you can remove the bass note and create a new root note, thus changing the note values...
8 views 7 Apr 2021
           q o       o p
           q o   G   o p
           d o   T   o b
           q o   D   o p
           q o   B   o p
           d o       o b
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