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open c minor - my pick.

413 views - 19 Jan 2011

where i'm sittin' makes the guitar sound flat & old & tinny ; it's nice. some folks call it bad acoustics ; they are kind of right & kind of wrong. ))

jolene, jolene - acoustic guitar open c minor tuning
Jolene, jolene - acoustic guitar open c minor tuning
where i'm sittin' makes the guitar sound flat & old & tinny ; it's nice. some folks call it bad acoustics ; they are kind of right & kind of wrong. ))
1067 views 3 Sep 2019
minor open jam played by siggi mertens
Minor open jam played by siggi mertens
where i'm sittin' makes the guitar sound flat & old & tinny ; it's nice. some folks call it bad acoustics ; they are kind of right & kind of wrong. ))
430 views 2 Jun 2019
Ian C Bouras experimenting with the harmonic minor amp gypsy scales
Ian C Bouras experimenting with the harmonic minor amp gypsy scales
where i'm sittin' makes the guitar sound flat & old & tinny ; it's nice. some folks call it bad acoustics ; they are kind of right & kind of wrong. ))
81 views 8 Dec 2021
Oscuridad open D minor Larrivee P09
Oscuridad open D minor Larrivee P09
where i'm sittin' makes the guitar sound flat & old & tinny ; it's nice. some folks call it bad acoustics ; they are kind of right & kind of wrong. ))
156 views 23 Apr 2020
How to Read Guitar Chord Chart/Box for Open Major & Minor Chords | Super Easy Guitar Tutorial
How to Read Guitar Chord Chart/Box for Open Major & Minor Chords | Super Easy Guitar Tutorial
where i'm sittin' makes the guitar sound flat & old & tinny ; it's nice. some folks call it bad acoustics ; they are kind of right & kind of wrong. ))
29 views 14 Jul 2023
Quadriplegic Tuning Guitar
Quadriplegic Tuning Guitar
where i'm sittin' makes the guitar sound flat & old & tinny ; it's nice. some folks call it bad acoustics ; they are kind of right & kind of wrong. ))
135 views 8 Apr 2021
slow ride at dawn by jimi cooper
Slow ride at dawn by jimi cooper
where i'm sittin' makes the guitar sound flat & old & tinny ; it's nice. some folks call it bad acoustics ; they are kind of right & kind of wrong. ))
235 views 29 Dec 2017
DADFAD (D Minor Open Tuning) on my resonator
DADFAD (D Minor Open Tuning) on my resonator
where i'm sittin' makes the guitar sound flat & old & tinny ; it's nice. some folks call it bad acoustics ; they are kind of right & kind of wrong. ))
1728 views 4 Sep 2019
 DADFAD  D minor Open Tuning Guitar Tutorials by Caen
DADFAD D minor Open Tuning Guitar Tutorials by Caen
where i'm sittin' makes the guitar sound flat & old & tinny ; it's nice. some folks call it bad acoustics ; they are kind of right & kind of wrong. ))
570 views 11 May 2022
           q o       o p
           q o   G   o p
           d o   T   o b
           q o   D   o p
           q o   B   o p
           d o       o b
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 & warm `-._____________.-'