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c standard metalish bass improvisation

421 views - 19 Jan 2011

just messing around with monkey machine, an online drum machine.

King Of Asgard   The Runes Of Hel Guitar Lesson
King Of Asgard The Runes Of Hel Guitar Lesson
just messing around with monkey machine, an online drum machine.
106 views 16 Mar 2020
C Standard Guitar Tuner (CFA#D#GC)
C Standard Guitar Tuner (CFA#D#GC)
just messing around with monkey machine, an online drum machine.
3268 views 2 Sep 2019
c standard acoustic song
C standard acoustic song
just messing around with monkey machine, an online drum machine.
123 views 12 Dec 2017
c standard tuning metal riff 1 jackson dinky emg 3.0 mm pick boss mt 2
C standard tuning metal riff 1 jackson dinky emg 3.0 mm pick boss mt 2
just messing around with monkey machine, an online drum machine.
260 views 17 Dec 2017
c standard riff
C standard riff
just messing around with monkey machine, an online drum machine.
116 views 27 Jan 2018
c standard acoustic blues czaro
C standard acoustic blues czaro
just messing around with monkey machine, an online drum machine.
222 views 12 Apr 2019
c standard metal riffing
C standard metal riffing
just messing around with monkey machine, an online drum machine.
418 views 8 Jun 2019
c standard metal riffs schecter c1+
C standard metal riffs schecter c1+
just messing around with monkey machine, an online drum machine.
501 views 12 Jun 2019
c standard blues 2 czaro
C standard blues 2 czaro
just messing around with monkey machine, an online drum machine.
122 views 10 Jul 2019
           q o       o p
           q o   G   o p
           d o   T   o b
           q o   D   o p
           q o   B   o p
           d o       o b
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