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Debugging The AAC Algorithm for Tuning a Guitar

18 views - 19 Jan 2011

One of my students found this crazy AAC algorithm that uses an autocorrelation function to find the fundamental frequency of a sound wave Its pretty cool

Debugging   Memory Issues on the CPX with the AAC Algorithm
Debugging Memory Issues on the CPX with the AAC Algorithm
One of my students found this crazy AAC algorithm that uses an autocorrelation function to find the fundamental frequency of a sound wave Its pretty cool
43 views 9 May 2021
The Velvet Underground  Debunking the myth of Ostrich tuning
The Velvet Underground Debunking the myth of Ostrich tuning
One of my students found this crazy AAC algorithm that uses an autocorrelation function to find the fundamental frequency of a sound wave Its pretty cool
400 views 1 Aug 2020
The Great Myth of the Medieval Tritone Ban
The Great Myth of the Medieval Tritone Ban
One of my students found this crazy AAC algorithm that uses an autocorrelation function to find the fundamental frequency of a sound wave Its pretty cool
1 views 7 Aug 2021
Blondie - Rapture
Blondie - Rapture
One of my students found this crazy AAC algorithm that uses an autocorrelation function to find the fundamental frequency of a sound wave Its pretty cool
541 views 2 Sep 2019
desperado - guitar case full of guns
Desperado - guitar case full of guns
One of my students found this crazy AAC algorithm that uses an autocorrelation function to find the fundamental frequency of a sound wave Its pretty cool
133 views 4 Jul 2019
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           d o   T   o b
           q o   D   o p
           q o   B   o p
           d o       o b
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