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a minor prelude by rik emmett of triumph (played by mark cook)

81 views - 19 Jan 2011

http://www.markcookmusic.com performing a minor prelude by rik emmett of triumph - my cool dog (lydian) enjoyed it!

Prelude no 2 by Francisco Tarrega  2 of 5
Prelude no 2 by Francisco Tarrega 2 of 5
http://www.markcookmusic.com performing a minor prelude by rik emmett of triumph - my cool dog (lydian) enjoyed it!
138 views 11 Apr 2020
Rachmaninoff Prelude Op. 3 No. 2 in C# Minor (Rachmaninoff)
Rachmaninoff Prelude Op. 3 No. 2 in C# Minor (Rachmaninoff)
http://www.markcookmusic.com performing a minor prelude by rik emmett of triumph - my cool dog (lydian) enjoyed it!
794 views 2 Sep 2019
a. scriabin - prelude op. 9, aleksander wilgos - guitar
A. scriabin - prelude op. 9, aleksander wilgos - guitar
http://www.markcookmusic.com performing a minor prelude by rik emmett of triumph - my cool dog (lydian) enjoyed it!
805 views 4 Sep 2019
French Baroque Guitar Music - Robert de Visée - Suite no. 1 in A minor - Polivios
French Baroque Guitar Music - Robert de Visée - Suite no. 1 in A minor - Polivios
http://www.markcookmusic.com performing a minor prelude by rik emmett of triumph - my cool dog (lydian) enjoyed it!
1 views 29 Jul 2023
My improvisation N.#2 "prelude" on piano
My improvisation N.#2 "prelude" on piano
http://www.markcookmusic.com performing a minor prelude by rik emmett of triumph - my cool dog (lydian) enjoyed it!
257 views 5 Sep 2019
rachmaninoff- prelude in c# minor op 3 no 2, guitar(lip and nose techniques)
Rachmaninoff- prelude in c# minor op 3 no 2, guitar(lip and nose techniques)
http://www.markcookmusic.com performing a minor prelude by rik emmett of triumph - my cool dog (lydian) enjoyed it!
177 views 8 Apr 2018
Frédéric Chopin (1810-1849), Prelude in E minor, op. 28 Nr. 4 (Cello quartet)
Frédéric Chopin (1810-1849), Prelude in E minor, op. 28 Nr. 4 (Cello quartet)
http://www.markcookmusic.com performing a minor prelude by rik emmett of triumph - my cool dog (lydian) enjoyed it!
340 views 4 Sep 2019
 Mysterious minormajor 7 chord lesson
Mysterious minormajor 7 chord lesson
http://www.markcookmusic.com performing a minor prelude by rik emmett of triumph - my cool dog (lydian) enjoyed it!
64 views 6 Aug 2020
A minor 7
A minor 7
http://www.markcookmusic.com performing a minor prelude by rik emmett of triumph - my cool dog (lydian) enjoyed it!
476 views 21 Mar 2020
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