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song in f#

74 views - 19 Jan 2011

relephant elephant rehearsal january 10th 2008.

love song in f#
Love song in f#
relephant elephant rehearsal january 10th 2008.
73 views 21 Mar 2019
power outlet- song in f#
Power outlet- song in f#
relephant elephant rehearsal january 10th 2008.
32 views 26 Apr 2019
song idea for kate in cb f# cb e g# c#    (dadgbae tuned 1 & 1/2 steps down)
Song idea for kate in cb f# cb e g# c# (dadgbae tuned 1 & 1/2 steps down)
relephant elephant rehearsal january 10th 2008.
599 views 25 Oct 2018
How to Play in Open E Tuning - The Museum - "My Help Comes From the Lord"
How to Play in Open E Tuning - The Museum - "My Help Comes From the Lord"
relephant elephant rehearsal january 10th 2008.
2534 views 5 Sep 2019
an epic backing track in f#m
An epic backing track in f#m
relephant elephant rehearsal january 10th 2008.
82 views 4 Apr 2019
kaathal rojaave - tamil film song - in geoshred with english notes
Kaathal rojaave - tamil film song - in geoshred with english notes
relephant elephant rehearsal january 10th 2008.
496 views 10 Mar 2019
play most any song in open d tuning | tom strahle | pro guitar secrets
Play most any song in open d tuning | tom strahle | pro guitar secrets
relephant elephant rehearsal january 10th 2008.
588 views 31 Mar 2018
blues guitar backing track jam in f# blues
Blues guitar backing track jam in f# blues
relephant elephant rehearsal january 10th 2008.
35 views 2 Mar 2019
relephant elephant rehearsal january 10th 2008.
486 views 4 Sep 2019
           q o       o p
           q o   G   o p
           d o   T   o b
           q o   D   o p
           q o   B   o p
           d o       o b
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