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mean town blues (j. winter cover) fender strat open a tuning

236 views - 19 Jan 2011

standard disclaimer: i took some liberties with this song, which is probably obscure enough so that most people won't notice or care. it was just an excuse to ...

mean ol' moon (ted 2) - cover *chords added*
Mean ol' moon (ted 2) - cover *chords added*
standard disclaimer: i took some liberties with this song, which is probably obscure enough so that most people won't notice or care. it was just an excuse to ...
414 views 17 May 2018
mean ol' moon - (amanda seyfried) - david blair cover with correct chords posted
Mean ol' moon - (amanda seyfried) - david blair cover with correct chords posted
standard disclaimer: i took some liberties with this song, which is probably obscure enough so that most people won't notice or care. it was just an excuse to ...
710 views 10 Sep 2018
Mean Girl BACKSTABS Her FRIEND She Lives To Regret It  Dhar Mann
Mean Girl BACKSTABS Her FRIEND She Lives To Regret It Dhar Mann
standard disclaimer: i took some liberties with this song, which is probably obscure enough so that most people won't notice or care. it was just an excuse to ...
2 views 5 Sep 2022
Bury Me An Angel - Arch enemy | Cover *C Standard Tuning
Bury Me An Angel - Arch enemy | Cover *C Standard Tuning
standard disclaimer: i took some liberties with this song, which is probably obscure enough so that most people won't notice or care. it was just an excuse to ...
385 views 3 Sep 2019
send me an angel (scorpions) arrangement
Send me an angel (scorpions) arrangement
standard disclaimer: i took some liberties with this song, which is probably obscure enough so that most people won't notice or care. it was just an excuse to ...
1061 views 2 Sep 2019
''fuck u mean''  prod profitzbeatz instrumental''
''fuck u mean'' prod profitzbeatz instrumental''
standard disclaimer: i took some liberties with this song, which is probably obscure enough so that most people won't notice or care. it was just an excuse to ...
2 views 9 Jul 2018
taylor swift - mean
Taylor swift - mean
standard disclaimer: i took some liberties with this song, which is probably obscure enough so that most people won't notice or care. it was just an excuse to ...
7 views 10 Jul 2018
what u mean by dae dae|freestyle|
What u mean by dae dae|freestyle|
standard disclaimer: i took some liberties with this song, which is probably obscure enough so that most people won't notice or care. it was just an excuse to ...
504 views 5 Sep 2019
What does it mean when the word  SUS is next to a chord?
What does it mean when the word SUS is next to a chord?
standard disclaimer: i took some liberties with this song, which is probably obscure enough so that most people won't notice or care. it was just an excuse to ...
1190 views 4 Sep 2019
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           d o   T   o b
           q o   D   o p
           q o   B   o p
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