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the wonder years - dynamite shovel (campfire version) - cover

400 views - 19 Jan 2011

quick cover of the acoustic version of dynamite shovel by the wonder years, from the album the upsides which you should go ahead and purchase because it's one of the best pop punk albums ever....

the wonder years - came out swinging (bass cover)
The wonder years - came out swinging (bass cover)
quick cover of the acoustic version of dynamite shovel by the wonder years, from the album the upsides which you should go ahead and purchase because it's one of the best pop punk albums ever....
32 views 15 Jun 2018
the wonder scale - mixolydian b6
The wonder scale - mixolydian b6
quick cover of the acoustic version of dynamite shovel by the wonder years, from the album the upsides which you should go ahead and purchase because it's one of the best pop punk albums ever....
385 views 5 Sep 2019
trilogy the wonder hyperstation eliminator jr sonic youth guitar cover
Trilogy the wonder hyperstation eliminator jr sonic youth guitar cover
quick cover of the acoustic version of dynamite shovel by the wonder years, from the album the upsides which you should go ahead and purchase because it's one of the best pop punk albums ever....
666 views 6 Aug 2019
hai hai pran jay
Hai hai pran jay
quick cover of the acoustic version of dynamite shovel by the wonder years, from the album the upsides which you should go ahead and purchase because it's one of the best pop punk albums ever....
8 views 23 Jun 2018
well i wonder - the smiths |hd guitar tutorial with tabs
Well i wonder - the smiths |hd guitar tutorial with tabs
quick cover of the acoustic version of dynamite shovel by the wonder years, from the album the upsides which you should go ahead and purchase because it's one of the best pop punk albums ever....
217 views 13 Dec 2018
Exploring Lydian - Everything You Need To Know (and possibly more)
Exploring Lydian - Everything You Need To Know (and possibly more)
quick cover of the acoustic version of dynamite shovel by the wonder years, from the album the upsides which you should go ahead and purchase because it's one of the best pop punk albums ever....
12 views 20 Feb 2021
fjord facts - sons of norway
Fjord facts - sons of norway
quick cover of the acoustic version of dynamite shovel by the wonder years, from the album the upsides which you should go ahead and purchase because it's one of the best pop punk albums ever....
6 views 24 Oct 2019
the mission / how great thou art - the piano guys (wonder of the world 2 of 7)
The mission / how great thou art - the piano guys (wonder of the world 2 of 7)
quick cover of the acoustic version of dynamite shovel by the wonder years, from the album the upsides which you should go ahead and purchase because it's one of the best pop punk albums ever....
610 views 2 Sep 2019
Kung Fu Piano: Cello Ascends - The Piano Guys (Wonder of The World 1 of 7)
Kung Fu Piano: Cello Ascends - The Piano Guys (Wonder of The World 1 of 7)
quick cover of the acoustic version of dynamite shovel by the wonder years, from the album the upsides which you should go ahead and purchase because it's one of the best pop punk albums ever....
324 views 2 Sep 2019
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