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f# phrygian

78 views - 19 Jan 2011

heavy metal backing track | f# phrygian dominant 125 bpm
Heavy metal backing track | f# phrygian dominant 125 bpm
25 views 17 Jul 2019
e major / c# minor scale - seven positions
E major / c# minor scale - seven positions
44 views 2 Jun 2018
a major- / f# minor scale - seven positions
A major- / f# minor scale - seven positions
131 views 3 Dec 2017
E "Raga Desya Todi" 10 - E Ionian / G# Phrygian hexatonic - Shellopan by Matthieu
E "Raga Desya Todi" 10 - E Ionian / G# Phrygian hexatonic - Shellopan by Matthieu
25 views 15 May 2021
saraz handpan d phrygian  12
Saraz handpan d phrygian 12
134 views 21 Jun 2018
C Phrygian Guitar Lick
C Phrygian Guitar Lick
357 views 4 Sep 2019
Phrygian #11 Mode (3rd Mode Major #6)
Phrygian #11 Mode (3rd Mode Major #6)
1 views 1 Aug 2022
black metal lesson #11 - black metal scales
Black metal lesson #11 - black metal scales
92 views 11 Feb 2020
c# phrygian backing track - funk rock groove guitar backtrack - chords - scale - bpm
C# phrygian backing track - funk rock groove guitar backtrack - chords - scale - bpm
240 views 24 Jan 2019
           q o       o p
           q o   G   o p
           d o   T   o b
           q o   D   o p
           q o   B   o p
           d o       o b
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