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drop a tuning.

118 views - 19 Jan 2011

first time messn around with some drop a.

drop a tuning
Drop a tuning
first time messn around with some drop a.
142 views 10 May 2018
drop a tuning.
Drop a tuning.
first time messn around with some drop a.
142 views 8 Nov 2019
Drop A Tuning (Watch and Tune)
Drop A Tuning (Watch and Tune)
first time messn around with some drop a.
1634 views 4 Sep 2019
Drop A Tuning Guitar
Drop A Tuning Guitar
first time messn around with some drop a.
996 views 29 Aug 2019
drop-a-tuning | vorteile und nachteile dieser stimmung fr e-gitarre
Drop-a-tuning | vorteile und nachteile dieser stimmung fr e-gitarre
first time messn around with some drop a.
143 views 31 Dec 2018
drop a tuning with .013 strings - instrumental metal ( song by gus wallner)
Drop a tuning with .013 strings - instrumental metal ( song by gus wallner)
first time messn around with some drop a.
794 views 1 Sep 2019
drop a tuning. if you dont have a tuner.
Drop a tuning. if you dont have a tuner.
first time messn around with some drop a.
897 views 15 Feb 2019
drop a tuning guitar slow grind riffs - original
Drop a tuning guitar slow grind riffs - original
first time messn around with some drop a.
162 views 22 Oct 2019
Drop A Tuning using Guitar Tuna  Easy  AFADGC  AzirNA
Drop A Tuning using Guitar Tuna Easy AFADGC AzirNA
first time messn around with some drop a.
505 views 12 Jan 2021
           q o       o p
           q o   G   o p
           d o   T   o b
           q o   D   o p
           q o   B   o p
           d o       o b
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