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Playing in drop B

597 views - 19 Jan 2011

my top 5 favorite tool songs/riffs!(played in drop b)
My top 5 favorite tool songs/riffs!(played in drop b)
563 views 23 Jun 2019
drop a tuning.
Drop a tuning.
142 views 8 Nov 2019
F F B E G C tuning and later normal Drop B
F F B E G C tuning and later normal Drop B
33 views 3 Jan 2021
breaking benjamin cold cover drop to c only         cadgbe
Breaking benjamin cold cover drop to c only cadgbe
1826 views 29 Aug 2019
capo protip! | drop -d- capo 2 - standard tuning guitar lesson
Capo protip! | drop -d- capo 2 - standard tuning guitar lesson
189 views 20 May 2019
playing feared riffs with a fender stratocaster in drop-a tuning
Playing feared riffs with a fender stratocaster in drop-a tuning
79 views 21 Feb 2020
playing tool in drop g
Playing tool in drop g
612 views 2 Oct 2019
metalcore guitar techniques and tricks guitar tutorial
Metalcore guitar techniques and tricks guitar tutorial
251 views 14 Dec 2018
Amaranthe - Drop Dead Cynical guitar cover
Amaranthe - Drop Dead Cynical guitar cover
2995 views 4 Sep 2019
           q o       o p
           q o   G   o p
           d o   T   o b
           q o   D   o p
           q o   B   o p
           d o       o b
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