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practicing the cigar box guitar

60 views - 19 Jan 2011

practicing with a metronome never gets old. it improves your timing and helps keep you in the groove.

1/3 Practicing the Major scale - tips and tetrachords for bass
1/3 Practicing the Major scale - tips and tetrachords for bass
practicing with a metronome never gets old. it improves your timing and helps keep you in the groove.
1 views 10 Jul 2023
How to make practicing the Guitar interesting!
How to make practicing the Guitar interesting!
practicing with a metronome never gets old. it improves your timing and helps keep you in the groove.
4 views 10 Feb 2021
You’ve Been Practicing The Pentatonic Scale on Guitar WRONG!
You’ve Been Practicing The Pentatonic Scale on Guitar WRONG!
practicing with a metronome never gets old. it improves your timing and helps keep you in the groove.
0 views 26 Nov 2022
ALL ABOUT the secrets of HARMONIC MINOR Scale! - Crystal Clear Lesson
ALL ABOUT the secrets of HARMONIC MINOR Scale! - Crystal Clear Lesson
practicing with a metronome never gets old. it improves your timing and helps keep you in the groove.
0 views 9 Jun 2022
Effective Practice for the Guitar with Korey Hicks
Effective Practice for the Guitar with Korey Hicks
practicing with a metronome never gets old. it improves your timing and helps keep you in the groove.
2 views 10 Apr 2021
Improvisation over A-Dorian b2 Chord progression
Improvisation over A-Dorian b2 Chord progression
practicing with a metronome never gets old. it improves your timing and helps keep you in the groove.
0 views 24 Apr 2023
Mozart Sonata k545 in vanaspathi/Bhanumathi Ragam
Mozart Sonata k545 in vanaspathi/Bhanumathi Ragam
practicing with a metronome never gets old. it improves your timing and helps keep you in the groove.
6 views 2 Mar 2021
Spread Triad Practicing On The Guitar
Spread Triad Practicing On The Guitar
practicing with a metronome never gets old. it improves your timing and helps keep you in the groove.
0 views 22 Aug 2021
forward roll rhythm practice (92 bpm)
Forward roll rhythm practice (92 bpm)
practicing with a metronome never gets old. it improves your timing and helps keep you in the groove.
36 views 24 Jan 2018
           q o       o p
           q o   G   o p
           d o   T   o b
           q o   D   o p
           q o   B   o p
           d o       o b
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