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usher - what's a man to do (piano)

420 views - 19 Jan 2011

sry i was too lazy to figure out the left hand, so i just played chords. well whatever, just comment and rate and stuff if can..i do not own this song. no copyright ...

what is a cmaj7 chord on piano?
What is a cmaj7 chord on piano?
sry i was too lazy to figure out the left hand, so i just played chords. well whatever, just comment and rate and stuff if can..i do not own this song. no copyright ...
150 views 14 May 2018
what are the causes of a buzz on a low e guitar string? : guitar questions - answers
What are the causes of a buzz on a low e guitar string? : guitar questions - answers
sry i was too lazy to figure out the left hand, so i just played chords. well whatever, just comment and rate and stuff if can..i do not own this song. no copyright ...
121 views 25 Jun 2019
how to ask if a girl is gay
How to ask if a girl is gay
sry i was too lazy to figure out the left hand, so i just played chords. well whatever, just comment and rate and stuff if can..i do not own this song. no copyright ...
66 views 7 Aug 2019
sub 2 hour marathon project? | a sage running podcast rant
Sub 2 hour marathon project? | a sage running podcast rant
sry i was too lazy to figure out the left hand, so i just played chords. well whatever, just comment and rate and stuff if can..i do not own this song. no copyright ...
1216 views 31 Aug 2019
introducing | ltd_impulse | channel update video (hd)
Introducing | ltd_impulse | channel update video (hd)
sry i was too lazy to figure out the left hand, so i just played chords. well whatever, just comment and rate and stuff if can..i do not own this song. no copyright ...
412 views 4 Sep 2019
sesame street: usher's abc song
Sesame street: usher's abc song
sry i was too lazy to figure out the left hand, so i just played chords. well whatever, just comment and rate and stuff if can..i do not own this song. no copyright ...
2 views 23 Jun 2018
the bed's too big without you - the police
The bed's too big without you - the police
sry i was too lazy to figure out the left hand, so i just played chords. well whatever, just comment and rate and stuff if can..i do not own this song. no copyright ...
63 views 2 Mar 2018
What to do if the Air is to Humid for your Violin? | Violin Lounge TV # 239
What to do if the Air is to Humid for your Violin? | Violin Lounge TV # 239
sry i was too lazy to figure out the left hand, so i just played chords. well whatever, just comment and rate and stuff if can..i do not own this song. no copyright ...
530 views 2 Sep 2019
usher - confessions, pt. ii
Usher - confessions, pt. ii
sry i was too lazy to figure out the left hand, so i just played chords. well whatever, just comment and rate and stuff if can..i do not own this song. no copyright ...
104 views 19 Mar 2018
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           d o   T   o b
           q o   D   o p
           q o   B   o p
           d o       o b
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