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Ornaments on Classical Guitar, 1. Appoggiaturas

603 views - 19 Jan 2011

A demonstration on various ornaments and how they can be applied.

top 5 - easy arabic songs to learn the oud
Top 5 - easy arabic songs to learn the oud
A demonstration on various ornaments and how they can be applied.
142 views 26 Jun 2019
Oud lessone 04 | Risha double stroke ornament
Oud lessone 04 | Risha double stroke ornament
A demonstration on various ornaments and how they can be applied.
19 views 23 Jul 2021
Zirafkend Pythagorian
Zirafkend Pythagorian
A demonstration on various ornaments and how they can be applied.
21 views 11 Feb 2021
forro drywall  divisria  decoracoes whatsapp 99670-1148 ou 2951-4409.mooca - sao paulo
Forro drywall divisria decoracoes whatsapp 99670-1148 ou 2951-4409.mooca - sao paulo
A demonstration on various ornaments and how they can be applied.
17 views 18 Dec 2017
Greg German DB-6 Archtop Guitar at Dream Guitars
Greg German DB-6 Archtop Guitar at Dream Guitars
A demonstration on various ornaments and how they can be applied.
0 views 9 Jun 2022
Saint Guitar´s Day (ornamentació en música celta)
Saint Guitar´s Day (ornamentació en música celta)
A demonstration on various ornaments and how they can be applied.
1767 views 4 Sep 2019
           q o       o p
           q o   G   o p
           d o   T   o b
           q o   D   o p
           q o   B   o p
           d o       o b
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