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I am so excited you are looking into guitar lessons! Playing guitar is a dream for many people and you are taking the first step to make your dream come true! If you already play guitar but want to experience progress, taking lessons can make that process truly more enjoyable and maximize your time and energy.

I enjoy teaching all ages – from never-evers to intermediate players – who want to expand musically. I am a whole-hearted musician and teacher who believes in helping others discover the joy of making music. Performing and playing with others, I believe is such a rewarding part of everyone’s musical journey.

Be sure to Watch the "Totally Awesome Recital" video on my YouTube Channel.

Thank you for visiting my YouTube Channel! Go To my website www.RedRobynGuitar.com to Schedule a Lesson, Read my Blog and so much more! All Links Below.
YouTube Stats
Joined 09 Oct 2014
69 Videos
Blind Melon quotNo Rainquot
Blind Melon quotNo Rainquot
94 views - 26 Nov 2021
Bob Dylan quotDont Think Twice Its All Rightquot
Bob Dylan quotDont Think Twice Its All Rightquot
7 views - 20 Mar 2022
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