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I do flamenco, Arabic pop, Argentine tango, and other music including guitar playing, dancing, and singing.

Support me here! https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/rombsix

- The guitars I currently use are:
• Andy Culpepper cutaway blanca flamenca (2018)
• Juan Montes Rodriguez cutaway blanca flamenca (2020)
• Journey Instruments OC660M carbon fiber nylon string
• KLOS carbon fiber electro-acoustic nylon string
• Cordoba GK Studio (blanca) LEFTY flamenco
• Yamaha SLG200NW Silent Guitar

- The cameras I use are an Insta360 Link 4K webcam and my Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra.

- The audio interface I use is a Lewitt DGT-650 break-out box.

- The microphone I use is a Lewitt DGT-650 USB microphone and a LARS CM-G (guitar) pick-up.

- The electronics I use are a HyVibe system, LR Baggs Venue DI, and a JHS Summing Amp Utility Pedal.

- The software I use is the Adobe suite (Premiere Pro and Audition) and OBS.
YouTube Stats
Joined 10 Feb 2008
1,043 Videos
Hijaz maqam
Hijaz maqam
7 views - 20 Feb 2021
Buleria falseta
Buleria falseta
7 views - 12 Mar 2021
Arabic Strum
Arabic Strum
14 views - 8 Jan 2023
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