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We are a Bible centered group of believers who desire to grow in the full knowledge of Jesus Christ, without compromise to His Word. We believe, teach and practice all things that Jesus taught and that were practiced by the Church in the book of the Acts of the Apostles.

Our ministry is geared to strengthen people who are walking with Christ by equipping them to reach the younger generations coming behind us so that God will continue to have some mighty men and women to proclaim the Gospel of Good News. There are many who are on fire for God, willing to learn and live their lives for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Will you heed His call on your life?
YouTube Stats
Joined 01 Nov 2011
667 Videos
Jim Miller   Live in Concert 2011
Jim Miller Live in Concert 2011
8 views - 30 Aug 2022
Part 34: 14 Prophecies about the Messiah
Part 34: 14 Prophecies about the Messiah
0 views - 24 Apr 2023
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