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Joy Christian Fellowship (http://joychurch.com) in Englewood NJ, is a non-denominational church that is Transformed by the Gospel, Transforming the World.

The Chosen Generation is composed of the Youths from Grades 6-12. We believe in raising up the Youth as the new leaders of tomorrow, and empowering them with the fundamentals on the Biblical basis of worship, as well as practical training on how to lead worship. These videos, together with live instruction and mentorship are intended to help the aspiring CG Youth learn how to worship God and lead others in worship.
YouTube Stats
Joined 13 Aug 2019
17 Videos
JCF CG Beginner Guitar Lesson 4: F#m G#m, Am and "7" chords
JCF CG Beginner Guitar Lesson 4: F#m G#m, Am and "7" chords
1 views - 7 Dec 2021
           q o       o p
           q o   G   o p
           d o   T   o b
           q o   D   o p
           q o   B   o p
           d o       o b
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