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ZEE TV -- the name that has become synonymous with unparalleled quality in entertainment -- has been a dominant player in broadcasting content for more than 17 years in the national and international space. As an Indian channel, ZEE TV is committed to supporting the values and traditions that appeal to South Asians across the globe.

In July 1998, ZEE TV expanded its presence in the international space by establishing itself as a mainstay in American households, reaching more than 2 million viewers. ZEE reaches over 500 million viewers in about 168 countries. As the undisputed leader in the market for over 12 years, ZEE TV has successfully evolved its content to meet the changing needs of the market across genres and languages. The network caters to a wide audience with a growing number of channels, including ZEE Cinema, Zing, ZEE Business, TEN Cricket, ZEE Marathi, ZEE Kannada and Alpha ETC Punjabi.
YouTube Stats
Joined 02 Jan 2012
6,659 Videos
Zindagi Ki Mehak - ZEE TV Canada
Zindagi Ki Mehak - ZEE TV Canada
62 views - 24 Apr 2022
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