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Videos for 1 1 1 1 1 6 - Chromium -

Another foray into metal ish territory Chromium is the 24th element in the Periodic Table Its not as heavy as some other metals higher on the Periodic Table
11 views 11 Feb 2021
Chromium Humbuckers
Chromium Humbuckers
Demo of the Chromium Humbuckers Based on my Apex humbuckers these feature FeCrCo magnetic poles and can be played as single coils or humbuckers
9 views 11 Feb 2021
Jazzmaster Chromium Demo
Jazzmaster Chromium Demo
The J Mascis Jazzmaster with our Chromium humbuckers played by Sean Ewing through a Black Faceplate Bassman and a Supro Saturn Reverb 1648RT
9 views 3 Mar 2021
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