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Videos for 9 - Major Sixth Interval -

guitar music theory : guitar music theory: major 6th interval
Guitar music theory : guitar music theory: major 6th interval
in music theory, moving a musical note down one string and up four frets on the guitar will produce a major sixth interval. learn more about the major sixth interval and guitar from a professional...
2547 views 31 Aug 2019
The Dorian Pentatonic Scale - Combining Modes With Pentatonics Part 2!
The Dorian Pentatonic Scale - Combining Modes With Pentatonics Part 2!
Today we combine the dorian mode with the minor pentatonic scale - by adding the characteristic major sixth interval we combine the pentatonic sound with the ...
82 views 10 Feb 2021
How to Play the SIXTH INTERVAL   Step by Step Process
How to Play the SIXTH INTERVAL Step by Step Process
Hello guys Hope you are all doing well Today I want to show you how to approach the sixth interval in the A major scale
53 views 22 Feb 2022
Major Scale Intervals | 6ths
Major Scale Intervals | 6ths
Garret's Guitar Lessons Playing the scale one after another can get boring fast. The sixth interval is going six notes of the scale up ...
8 views 15 Feb 2023
Learn Fretboard Shapes   Major 6th Guitar Interval   Guitar Music Theory Lesson
Learn Fretboard Shapes Major 6th Guitar Interval Guitar Music Theory Lesson
The major 6th is the next interval in this guitar theory study of musical intervals on the guitar fretboard The major sixth can be found up nine frets on one string
87 views 30 Nov 2021
train your ear - intervals on guitar (10/15) - major sixth
Train your ear - intervals on guitar (10/15) - major sixth
a full course on ear training your intervals for guitar. print these charts out now! tone chart: https://goo.gl/mdn5gu guitar chart 1: https://goo.gl/g6cgcg guitar ...
176 views 9 Jul 2018
lesson 7.3  tuning the major sixth #2
Lesson 7.3 tuning the major sixth #2
841 views 8 May 2019
How To Play the A6/9 Chord On Guitar (A six nine or A Major sixth added ninth)
How To Play the A6/9 Chord On Guitar (A six nine or A Major sixth added ninth)
Quick lesson on how to play the A6/9 (A six nine or A Major sixth added ninth) Chord on guitar. The strings I refer to as 123456 (1 being the bottom string, and ...
131 views 15 Jul 2021
bossa nova acoustic backing track with guitar chords
Bossa nova acoustic backing track with guitar chords
f# (f sharp) minor works all way through. technically verse in b dorian (b minor with major sixth g#) then refrain in d lydian (d major with augmented fourth g#) (same notes as a major or f#...
155 views 26 Jan 2018
Major Scale Sixth Position Aeolian Mode for Guitar
Major Scale Sixth Position Aeolian Mode for Guitar
An example of the Sixth Position of the Major Scale for guitar the Aeolian Mode also the Natural Minor Scale This example is in the key of G major
55 views 30 Nov 2021
           q o       o p
           q o   G   o p
           d o   T   o b
           q o   D   o p
           q o   B   o p
           d o       o b
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