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Insomnium - The New Beginning Cover

2,258 views - 19 Jan 2011

I learned this song by ear so there are mistakes. This was a damn hard song to learn mainly because most of the time there's more than one guitar playing ...


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deep relaxing sleep music: go for your deepest sleep yet. (3 hours) for insomnia help calm music
Deep relaxing sleep music: go for your deepest sleep yet. (3 hours) for insomnia help calm music
I learned this song by ear so there are mistakes. This was a damn hard song to learn mainly because most of the time there's more than one guitar playing ...
204 views 11 Nov 2018
Dbm   Insomnia
Dbm Insomnia
I learned this song by ear so there are mistakes. This was a damn hard song to learn mainly because most of the time there's more than one guitar playing ...
155 views 10 Jan 2021
Faith Stumble Though I May
Faith Stumble Though I May
I learned this song by ear so there are mistakes. This was a damn hard song to learn mainly because most of the time there's more than one guitar playing ...
286 views 25 Jan 2021
periphery - frak the gods - cover
Periphery - frak the gods - cover
I learned this song by ear so there are mistakes. This was a damn hard song to learn mainly because most of the time there's more than one guitar playing ...
354 views 1 Apr 2018
8 Hour Sleep Music For Insomnia: Deep Sleep Music, Sleeping Music, Help Insomnia ?207
8 Hour Sleep Music For Insomnia: Deep Sleep Music, Sleeping Music, Help Insomnia ?207
I learned this song by ear so there are mistakes. This was a damn hard song to learn mainly because most of the time there's more than one guitar playing ...
1132 views 5 Sep 2019
8 Hour Deep Sleep Music Inner Peace: Help Beat Insomnia, Delta Waves, Sleeping Music, ?160
8 Hour Deep Sleep Music Inner Peace: Help Beat Insomnia, Delta Waves, Sleeping Music, ?160
I learned this song by ear so there are mistakes. This was a damn hard song to learn mainly because most of the time there's more than one guitar playing ...
430 views 4 Sep 2019
8 Hour Sleep Music, Calm Music for Sleeping, Delta Waves, Insomnia, Relaxing Music, ?475
8 Hour Sleep Music, Calm Music for Sleeping, Delta Waves, Insomnia, Relaxing Music, ?475
I learned this song by ear so there are mistakes. This was a damn hard song to learn mainly because most of the time there's more than one guitar playing ...
874 views 3 Sep 2019
Faithless   Insomnia Official Video
Faithless Insomnia Official Video
I learned this song by ear so there are mistakes. This was a damn hard song to learn mainly because most of the time there's more than one guitar playing ...
3 views 12 Apr 2020
dbm   Insomnia
Dbm Insomnia
I learned this song by ear so there are mistakes. This was a damn hard song to learn mainly because most of the time there's more than one guitar playing ...
226 views 10 Jan 2021
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