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the "jimi hendrix chord" - e7(#9)

996 views - 19 Jan 2011

http://www.cyberfret.com/guitar-chords/jimi-hendrix-chord/ the e7(#9) is often referred to a the "jimi hendrix chord". he played it in his song "purple haze". so besides it being the famous...


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http://www.cyberfret.com/guitar-chords/jimi-hendrix-chord/ the e7(#9) is often referred to a the "jimi hendrix chord". he played it in his song "purple haze". so besides it being the famous...
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http://www.cyberfret.com/guitar-chords/jimi-hendrix-chord/ the e7(#9) is often referred to a the "jimi hendrix chord". he played it in his song "purple haze". so besides it being the famous...
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