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Music Theory That Will Make You Play Better

142 views - 19 Jan 2011

  • Jens Larsen

    Jens Larsen

    379K subscribers

    Knowing Music Theory can really boost how you play, it can give you a lot of options and a way to understand the solos of others ...


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The Aeolian Mode Guitar Lesson (Music Theory)
Knowing Music Theory can really boost how you play, it can give you a lot of options and a way to understand the solos of others ...
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How to play Rancheras in 34 time in C G D F A instructional tutorial Mariachi Theory Music
How to play Rancheras in 34 time in C G D F A instructional tutorial Mariachi Theory Music
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Music Theory for Guitar Diatonic Triads
Knowing Music Theory can really boost how you play, it can give you a lot of options and a way to understand the solos of others ...
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Weird Music Theory George Russell39s Lydian Chromatic Concept
Knowing Music Theory can really boost how you play, it can give you a lot of options and a way to understand the solos of others ...
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The MUST KNOW Guitar Music Theory (in 8 Easy Steps)
The MUST KNOW Guitar Music Theory (in 8 Easy Steps)
Knowing Music Theory can really boost how you play, it can give you a lot of options and a way to understand the solos of others ...
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EQ Worship Conference 2019 Practical Music Theory Breakout feat Zach Lamberson
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The Circle of Fifths   10 Amazing Facts  Music Bites  Tutorial
The Circle of Fifths 10 Amazing Facts Music Bites Tutorial
Knowing Music Theory can really boost how you play, it can give you a lot of options and a way to understand the solos of others ...
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Knowing Music Theory can really boost how you play, it can give you a lot of options and a way to understand the solos of others ...
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Knowing Music Theory can really boost how you play, it can give you a lot of options and a way to understand the solos of others ...
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