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Bluegrass Dobro guitar 1

690 views - 19 Jan 2011

Trapper Wyatt plays the Dobro guitar during a bluegrass jam session at the Eagles Lodge in Lincoln City.


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bluegrass key of c 120 bpm - practice guitar, mandolin, banjo, fiddle, bass, lapsteel, dobro, etc
Bluegrass key of c 120 bpm - practice guitar, mandolin, banjo, fiddle, bass, lapsteel, dobro, etc
Trapper Wyatt plays the Dobro guitar during a bluegrass jam session at the Eagles Lodge in Lincoln City.
17 views 7 Jan 2020
Kévin Denard - Guitar Dobro Bluegrass Rob Ickes
Kévin Denard - Guitar Dobro Bluegrass Rob Ickes
Trapper Wyatt plays the Dobro guitar during a bluegrass jam session at the Eagles Lodge in Lincoln City.
1012 views 5 Sep 2019
Bluegrass backing track Key of C 60 BPM guitar mandolin banjo fiddle bass lapsteel dobro etc
Bluegrass backing track Key of C 60 BPM guitar mandolin banjo fiddle bass lapsteel dobro etc
Trapper Wyatt plays the Dobro guitar during a bluegrass jam session at the Eagles Lodge in Lincoln City.
312 views 27 Mar 2020
black mountain rag, key c (fiddle tune) - american bluegrass, old-time - folk music
Black mountain rag, key c (fiddle tune) - american bluegrass, old-time - folk music
Trapper Wyatt plays the Dobro guitar during a bluegrass jam session at the Eagles Lodge in Lincoln City.
19 views 14 Sep 2019
Orange Blossom Special Bluegrass Dobro
Orange Blossom Special Bluegrass Dobro
Trapper Wyatt plays the Dobro guitar during a bluegrass jam session at the Eagles Lodge in Lincoln City.
2600 views 5 Sep 2019
the bluegrass specials - dobro rag (live-auftritt im orf, 1972)
The bluegrass specials - dobro rag (live-auftritt im orf, 1972)
Trapper Wyatt plays the Dobro guitar during a bluegrass jam session at the Eagles Lodge in Lincoln City.
210 views 26 Aug 2019
dobro basics volume #5 part a  - basic bluegrass rhythm - backup for dobro
Dobro basics volume #5 part a - basic bluegrass rhythm - backup for dobro
Trapper Wyatt plays the Dobro guitar during a bluegrass jam session at the Eagles Lodge in Lincoln City.
246 views 26 Oct 2019
bluegrass blues- | g minor pentatonic dobro lesson preview
Bluegrass blues- | g minor pentatonic dobro lesson preview
Trapper Wyatt plays the Dobro guitar during a bluegrass jam session at the Eagles Lodge in Lincoln City.
59 views 3 Nov 2019
bluegrass  blues- | g major pentatonic dobro lesson preview
Bluegrass blues- | g major pentatonic dobro lesson preview
Trapper Wyatt plays the Dobro guitar during a bluegrass jam session at the Eagles Lodge in Lincoln City.
517 views 14 Dec 2019
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