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Improvisation Tricks using DADGAD open tuning

1,726 views - 19 Jan 2011

Play every open string, every major 2nd, every major 3rd, every 5th, every major 6th and the octaves. Any group, any combination, any sequence should work.


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More GADDAD Resources

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Guitar Lesson-Minor Pentatonic Scale-Minor Scale-Aeolian Mode-Improvisation-Soloing-Backing Tracks
Play every open string, every major 2nd, every major 3rd, every 5th, every major 6th and the octaves. Any group, any combination, any sequence should work.
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Petrichor   Ambient Rock Guitar Improvisation   Berk
Petrichor Ambient Rock Guitar Improvisation Berk
Play every open string, every major 2nd, every major 3rd, every 5th, every major 6th and the octaves. Any group, any combination, any sequence should work.
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Phrygian Dominant Improvisation - Arabian Desert
Phrygian Dominant Improvisation - Arabian Desert
Play every open string, every major 2nd, every major 3rd, every 5th, every major 6th and the octaves. Any group, any combination, any sequence should work.
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srv style backing track guitar solo improvisation.
Srv style backing track guitar solo improvisation.
Play every open string, every major 2nd, every major 3rd, every 5th, every major 6th and the octaves. Any group, any combination, any sequence should work.
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Stories in the Embers   Wood Tongue Drum Cajon Jaw Harp and Guitar Improvisation
Stories in the Embers Wood Tongue Drum Cajon Jaw Harp and Guitar Improvisation
Play every open string, every major 2nd, every major 3rd, every 5th, every major 6th and the octaves. Any group, any combination, any sequence should work.
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Slow Blues Backing Track in G / Jam Tracks & Blues Guitar BackTracks TCDG
Slow Blues Backing Track in G / Jam Tracks & Blues Guitar BackTracks TCDG
Play every open string, every major 2nd, every major 3rd, every 5th, every major 6th and the octaves. Any group, any combination, any sequence should work.
553 views 3 Sep 2019
Slow Blues Backing Track in C / Jam Tracks & Blues Guitar BackTracks TCDG
Slow Blues Backing Track in C / Jam Tracks & Blues Guitar BackTracks TCDG
Play every open string, every major 2nd, every major 3rd, every 5th, every major 6th and the octaves. Any group, any combination, any sequence should work.
448 views 3 Sep 2019
Slow Blues Backing Track in Eb / Jam Tracks & Blues Guitar BackTracks TCDG
Slow Blues Backing Track in Eb / Jam Tracks & Blues Guitar BackTracks TCDG
Play every open string, every major 2nd, every major 3rd, every 5th, every major 6th and the octaves. Any group, any combination, any sequence should work.
893 views 4 Sep 2019
slow blues backing track in f# / jam tracks & blues guitar backtracks tcdg
Slow blues backing track in f# / jam tracks & blues guitar backtracks tcdg
Play every open string, every major 2nd, every major 3rd, every 5th, every major 6th and the octaves. Any group, any combination, any sequence should work.
50 views 18 May 2018
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           d o   T   o b
           q o   D   o p
           q o   B   o p
           d o       o b
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