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Hoover The Musical Dog - Don Ross (Cover) by Steve Gilbertson

895 views - 19 Jan 2011

Here is another fun one by Don Ross. Though it feels a bit hectic overall, there is an extremely beautiful interlude that I absolutely love! It's truly an amazing ...


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Don Ross - Hoover the Musical Dog Cover
Don Ross - Hoover the Musical Dog Cover
Here is another fun one by Don Ross. Though it feels a bit hectic overall, there is an extremely beautiful interlude that I absolutely love! It's truly an amazing ...
2521 views 2 Sep 2019
Hoover the Musical Dog (Don Ross)
Hoover the Musical Dog (Don Ross)
Here is another fun one by Don Ross. Though it feels a bit hectic overall, there is an extremely beautiful interlude that I absolutely love! It's truly an amazing ...
2014 views 5 Sep 2019
Learn all of the A Notes on Guitar
Learn all of the A Notes on Guitar
Here is another fun one by Don Ross. Though it feels a bit hectic overall, there is an extremely beautiful interlude that I absolutely love! It's truly an amazing ...
420 views 16 Oct 2021
E A B7 Chords 34 time Song
E A B7 Chords 34 time Song
Here is another fun one by Don Ross. Though it feels a bit hectic overall, there is an extremely beautiful interlude that I absolutely love! It's truly an amazing ...
60 views 7 May 2022
Here is another fun one by Don Ross. Though it feels a bit hectic overall, there is an extremely beautiful interlude that I absolutely love! It's truly an amazing ...
7 views 26 Mar 2021
Minor 7 Chords Root 5
Minor 7 Chords Root 5
Here is another fun one by Don Ross. Though it feels a bit hectic overall, there is an extremely beautiful interlude that I absolutely love! It's truly an amazing ...
187 views 11 Jun 2021
Iraq Veteran (Keith Hoover)  wins a roundtrip airline ticket to Vegas from AlphaStripe.com
Iraq Veteran (Keith Hoover) wins a roundtrip airline ticket to Vegas from AlphaStripe.com
Here is another fun one by Don Ross. Though it feels a bit hectic overall, there is an extremely beautiful interlude that I absolutely love! It's truly an amazing ...
1938 views 5 Sep 2019
Inverting and E Major Chord Jimi Style
Inverting and E Major Chord Jimi Style
Here is another fun one by Don Ross. Though it feels a bit hectic overall, there is an extremely beautiful interlude that I absolutely love! It's truly an amazing ...
2 views 22 Mar 2024
john lee hooker - boom boom
John lee hooker - boom boom
Here is another fun one by Don Ross. Though it feels a bit hectic overall, there is an extremely beautiful interlude that I absolutely love! It's truly an amazing ...
6 views 19 Dec 2019
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