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Structures - Paralyzed___ (guitar cover)

682 views - 19 Jan 2011

First cover with my UX1 so I'm still getting used to mixing and the tone, no tabs, learned it through the guitar play through video. Also, I filmed this with a ...

Griggly Bears Messiaen Mode 3 Structures
Griggly Bears Messiaen Mode 3 Structures
First cover with my UX1 so I'm still getting used to mixing and the tone, no tabs, learned it through the guitar play through video. Also, I filmed this with a ...
12 views 1 Aug 2022
Lydian Dominant Licks - The Best Modern Arpeggios and Structures - Jazz Guitar Lesson
Lydian Dominant Licks - The Best Modern Arpeggios and Structures - Jazz Guitar Lesson
First cover with my UX1 so I'm still getting used to mixing and the tone, no tabs, learned it through the guitar play through video. Also, I filmed this with a ...
71 views 10 Feb 2021
extensions, upper structures and reharmonisation intro | exploring thirds (2019)
Extensions, upper structures and reharmonisation intro | exploring thirds (2019)
First cover with my UX1 so I'm still getting used to mixing and the tone, no tabs, learned it through the guitar play through video. Also, I filmed this with a ...
32 views 29 Aug 2019
harmonizing melodies by using parallel motion of selected 4 note structures
Harmonizing melodies by using parallel motion of selected 4 note structures
First cover with my UX1 so I'm still getting used to mixing and the tone, no tabs, learned it through the guitar play through video. Also, I filmed this with a ...
33 views 29 Jul 2018
A0153 | 4-Note Structures 01, Harmonic Applications
A0153 | 4-Note Structures 01, Harmonic Applications
First cover with my UX1 so I'm still getting used to mixing and the tone, no tabs, learned it through the guitar play through video. Also, I filmed this with a ...
18 views 30 Oct 2022
58 Construct Binary Tree from Postorder and Inorder with example  Data structures
58 Construct Binary Tree from Postorder and Inorder with example Data structures
First cover with my UX1 so I'm still getting used to mixing and the tone, no tabs, learned it through the guitar play through video. Also, I filmed this with a ...
12 views 16 Sep 2021
Raag Charukeshi connected to 'Lydian b7' and Melodic Minor - Indian Classical Guitar Academy - clips
Raag Charukeshi connected to 'Lydian b7' and Melodic Minor - Indian Classical Guitar Academy - clips
First cover with my UX1 so I'm still getting used to mixing and the tone, no tabs, learned it through the guitar play through video. Also, I filmed this with a ...
1 views 1 Jun 2023
Babyface Piano Medley Chords
Babyface Piano Medley Chords
First cover with my UX1 so I'm still getting used to mixing and the tone, no tabs, learned it through the guitar play through video. Also, I filmed this with a ...
367 views 4 Sep 2019
FACGCE The Easiest Useful Chords
FACGCE The Easiest Useful Chords
First cover with my UX1 so I'm still getting used to mixing and the tone, no tabs, learned it through the guitar play through video. Also, I filmed this with a ...
1120 views 23 May 2022
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           d o   T   o b
           q o   D   o p
           q o   B   o p
           d o       o b
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