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7 chords in the key of g (plus cheats) | tom strahle | easy guitar

656 views - 19 Jan 2011

g - i - 320033 am - ii - x02210 bm - iii - x24432 or bm7/11 - x20230 c - iv - x32010 d - v - xx0232 em - vi - 022000 d/f# - v/vii - 200232 or d2/f# - 200230 my ...


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7 chords in the key of d (with cheats) | tom strahle | pro guitar secrets
7 chords in the key of d (with cheats) | tom strahle | pro guitar secrets
g - i - 320033 am - ii - x02210 bm - iii - x24432 or bm7/11 - x20230 c - iv - x32010 d - v - xx0232 em - vi - 022000 d/f# - v/vii - 200232 or d2/f# - 200230 my ...
100 views 1 Sep 2018
7 chords in the key of a (with cheats) | tom strahle | easy guitar | basic guitar
7 chords in the key of a (with cheats) | tom strahle | easy guitar | basic guitar
g - i - 320033 am - ii - x02210 bm - iii - x24432 or bm7/11 - x20230 c - iv - x32010 d - v - xx0232 em - vi - 022000 d/f# - v/vii - 200232 or d2/f# - 200230 my ...
229 views 29 Nov 2018
7 Chords in the Key of E (with cheats) | Tom Strahle | Easy Guitar | Basic Guitar
7 Chords in the Key of E (with cheats) | Tom Strahle | Easy Guitar | Basic Guitar
g - i - 320033 am - ii - x02210 bm - iii - x24432 or bm7/11 - x20230 c - iv - x32010 d - v - xx0232 em - vi - 022000 d/f# - v/vii - 200232 or d2/f# - 200230 my ...
3 views 27 Feb 2023
Functional Harmony Explained A look at the 7 Chords of the Major Scale  Intermediate Guitar Lesson
Functional Harmony Explained A look at the 7 Chords of the Major Scale Intermediate Guitar Lesson
g - i - 320033 am - ii - x02210 bm - iii - x24432 or bm7/11 - x20230 c - iv - x32010 d - v - xx0232 em - vi - 022000 d/f# - v/vii - 200232 or d2/f# - 200230 my ...
182 views 25 Jan 2022
How to play Fly Me To The Moon on guitar
How to play Fly Me To The Moon on guitar
g - i - 320033 am - ii - x02210 bm - iii - x24432 or bm7/11 - x20230 c - iv - x32010 d - v - xx0232 em - vi - 022000 d/f# - v/vii - 200232 or d2/f# - 200230 my ...
14 views 29 Jan 2021
How to Get Better at Guitar:  Using the ii-V-I Progression
How to Get Better at Guitar: Using the ii-V-I Progression
g - i - 320033 am - ii - x02210 bm - iii - x24432 or bm7/11 - x20230 c - iv - x32010 d - v - xx0232 em - vi - 022000 d/f# - v/vii - 200232 or d2/f# - 200230 my ...
76 views 15 Dec 2022
prelude (no. 4) in b major -on the b string
Prelude (no. 4) in b major -on the b string
g - i - 320033 am - ii - x02210 bm - iii - x24432 or bm7/11 - x20230 c - iv - x32010 d - v - xx0232 em - vi - 022000 d/f# - v/vii - 200232 or d2/f# - 200230 my ...
340 views 21 Mar 2019
How To Play All 7 Diatonic Guitar Chords From The Major Scale In Any Key - @EricBlackmonGuitar
How To Play All 7 Diatonic Guitar Chords From The Major Scale In Any Key - @EricBlackmonGuitar
g - i - 320033 am - ii - x02210 bm - iii - x24432 or bm7/11 - x20230 c - iv - x32010 d - v - xx0232 em - vi - 022000 d/f# - v/vii - 200232 or d2/f# - 200230 my ...
0 views 11 Mar 2021
Theory Lesson 7: Chord Extensions, Sus2 and Sus4
Theory Lesson 7: Chord Extensions, Sus2 and Sus4
g - i - 320033 am - ii - x02210 bm - iii - x24432 or bm7/11 - x20230 c - iv - x32010 d - v - xx0232 em - vi - 022000 d/f# - v/vii - 200232 or d2/f# - 200230 my ...
685 views 3 Sep 2019
           q o       o p
           q o   G   o p
           d o   T   o b
           q o   D   o p
           q o   B   o p
           d o       o b
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